What the Librarian Did

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Book: What the Librarian Did by Karina Bliss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karina Bliss
the wrong thing. “Um, because she told me you were a bad influence? Except that…I mean…she said she was going to apologize.”
    “She did. Everything’s sweet.”
    It didn’t sound sweet. And the guy’s scowl had come back. “So you don’t think she’s—”
    “I don’t think of her at all,” Devin interrupted. “Let’s meet back here in ten minutes, okay?”
    He started walking to the library, then hurried back, scrambling in his pocket for change. “Dev…let me give you some money.” He didn’t want the rocker to think he was a leech.
    For the first time that day Devin’s expression softened. “My treat.”
    Rachel was behind the counter when Mark walked into the library, and her face lit up when she saw him. She always looked so pleased to see him that it made him feel slightly awkward. But he guessed being cool wasn’t in a librarian’s DNA.
    Then he caught sight of Trixie in a black leather dress and kick-ass boots and revised his opinion. She’d told him she’d toned down her look for the library job…only one pair of earrings and her most conservative nose stud.
    He kind of had a crush on her even though she was three years older and scary. She was dealing with someone but called out, “Have you been to that vegetarian café I recommended?”
    He nodded. In the farming community he came from, everyone ate meat. But you didn’t argue with a militant vegetarian, you meekly ate your lentil stew and tried not to be on a bus when the gas hit.
    “So you like vegetarian food?” said Rachel. She always sounded like she was filing away information for the FBI.
    “Love it,” he lied, and handed over Devin’s card to collect the reserved book. Rachel looked at the name and her smile faded.
    “Devin said it was okay for me to collect it,” Mark stated. Maybe they had a policy or something.
    “That’s fine.”
    She found the book. “He told me what you did,” Mark added, and she froze with the book over the scanner. Gray eyes lifted to his.
    “Apologized,” he prompted. “Good on you. Friends shouldn’t fall out.” It occurred to him that he’d helped smooth the way. It was nice to do something for Devin for a change.
    “Have…have you seen Devin today?”
    “Yeah, we’re heading over to his apar—” He stopped, wondering if Devin wanted him telling his business. “We’re going to hang out for a couple of hours.” He really shouldn’t be so proud of it, but Mark couldn’t help himself. It was such a buzz to be an icon’s friend. Well, not really a friend. But then Devin was encouraging his songwriting and…
    Rachel was turning Devin’s library card over and over in her hand. “Did he mention we had dinner last night?”
    “No.” Some of his smugness at being the peacemaker dissipated, then Mark laughed. “He stood me up for you, you know that?”
    H ER SON’S FACE transformed when he laughed. It was like glimpsing land after spending six months in a leaky boat. Rachel swallowed hard. She’d seen him shy, angry, solemn, even a little melancholy, but she knew instantly. This is who you are.
    She started to laugh with him, then registered the implications of what he’d said. He thought she and Devin had kissed and made up.
    She’d gone to bed in a rage, tossed and turned until 2:00 a.m., thinking about the cutting things she could have said to Devin, and wishing she’d kneed him harder.
    Then she got up and cleaned the grout in the shower with an old toothbrush. Labor-intensive cleaning was Rachel’s cure for insomnia; generally she’d be back in bed within fifteen minutes because she hated cleaning.
    This morning the shower was sparkling. So was the range hood.
    Mark looked at his watch. “I’m gonna be late meeting Devin.”
    He took the light with him. There was no question whose side Mark would be on when Devin told him about their disastrous date.
    Even mistrusting Devin, Rachel had been temporarily disarmed by the Freedman charm. She still

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