When Fangirls Cry
best to put distance between them but Saffi followed him wherever he rolled and twisted on the bed, her lips never leaving his, her hot little pussy drenching his dick with so much wetness it nearly drove him out of his mind.
                “Saffi, fuck!” Staffan rolled to his back as he did his best to disentangle her hold around his neck. But this position was his Waterloo – only he would not know until it was too late. Saffi did let go, only to slither down to take his dick into her mouth, sucking him – all of him.
                “ Fuck !” He jerked on the bed, nearly sitting up but unable to because his hips were imprisoned under Saffi’s naked body, his dick still caged in the beautifully moist warmth of her mouth. She had one hand on his balls, playing with them as her other hand stroked his dick while keeping him in her mouth. The sucking noises Saffi was making filled Staffan’s mind and he fell back against the bed.
                Slowly, his fingers tightened on her hair, and then he was fucking her mouth. He closed his eyes, closed his mind to the reality of Saffi’s betrayal and just lost himself in the pleasure of her touch. He fucked her mouth hard, his hands not letting go of her head as he lifted his hips and began thrusting into her forcefully.
                But Saffi didn’t seem to care, her hands tightening their hold around his dick as her strokes became faster and wilder. His breath hitched and he knew he was close.
                Did she do this for the prince, too?
                The thought came out of nowhere and Staffan reacted instinctively even as his arousal reached its peak. Staffan wrenched himself out of her mouth and she let go with a cry, taken by surprise at the roughness of his move. He rose to his knees without a word, jerking himself off as their gazes locked with each other.
                And then he was coming with a guttural groan.
                “Why?” Saffi whispered the question when she could see that he was completely spent, his dick lying against his belly in a semi-erect state.
                His eyes blazed at her. “You have to fucking ask?” Staffan snarled.
                She swallowed. “Staffan---”
                “I don’t know what fucking game you’re playing, wanting me to have sex with you. But I have never had a taste for another man’s leftovers and you’re no fucking exception.”
                Bile rose at her throat at Staffan’s obvious contempt, humiliation at his rejection making Saffi want to cover her nakedness. But when he turned to leave, she couldn’t help cry out his name.
                Staffan stilled but did not turn to face her.
                “We had an agreement, Staffan.” Her voice was uneven but determined. “I want you in my bed every night and that still…stands. Even if we don’t…do anything.” She gripped the bed sheets, twisting them into knots, using it a way to release her tension. “And since you think I’m such a deceitful bitch, then you won’t risk backing out of our agreement. Because your siblings are lovely---”
                “Leave them out of this!”
                She closed her eyes. I’m sorry, Saffi silently apologized to Edana and Cairo even though she hoped they would never know she was using them as bargaining chips. Turning her back to Staffan, she said quietly, “Then stay with me every night. That’s all I want.”
                Staffan didn’t answer. But as she curled herself into a ball under the covers, she heard him moving behind her. He took the top layer off, the one that was now wet with his come, and she dimly heard him throw them on the floor. The bed dipped under his weight and then he was lying next to her, the space between them like a cliff that she couldn’t ever cross.

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