When Valentines Collide

When Valentines Collide by Adrianne Byrd Page A

Book: When Valentines Collide by Adrianne Byrd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrianne Byrd
felt like another nail being driven into their coffin.
    â€œI promised Edie I would go,” she admitted softly. “Might as well go ahead and just get it over with.”
    â€œYeah,” he agreed, returning his attention to the scenery sliding past his own window. “Might as well.”
    Later, the husband and wife team arrived at the airport and stepped out of the limousine with wide toothy smiles. Matthew, being a sort of television celebrity, was more immediately recognized and was approached for autographs.
    â€œOh, my Lord. It really is you,” one woman gushed, covering her heart with both hands. “Oh, I absolutely love your show.” She turned her dancing eyes toward Chanté and dug through her large purse. “And I just purchased your book this morning. Will you sign it for me?”
    â€œI’d love to,” Chanté returned the woman’s infectious smile.
    The woman handed over the book and prattled on. “I was telling my girlfriend the other day about what a beautiful couple you two make.”
    â€œWhy, thank you,” Matthew and Chanté responded like robots.
    â€œLook, it’s the Valentines,” another woman gasped and then preceded to drag her unimpressed companion toward them. Within seconds it was apparent the woman had a major crush on Matthew.
    â€œHoney, make sure you keep your claws in this one,” gushing woman number two whispered loudly to Chanté. “Trust me. They don’t make them like him anymore.”
    A few inches evaporated from Chanté’s smile as she cast a sidelong glance at her husband. No question about it, Matthew was indeed a fine specimen. His aura of confidence and warm baritone practically had the women melting all over him.
    Her, too, if she wasn’t careful.
    The Valentines worked their way toward their gate, smiling and giving one another adoring glances.
    Sometimes it was forced, sometimes it wasn’t.
    After settling into their first-class seats, Chanté and Matthew blinked in genuine surprise when Edie and Seth took the seats across the aisle from them.
    â€œWhat are you two doing here?” Chanté asked with a rush of relief, easing into her bones.
    â€œWhat do you think?” Edie chided, and then lowered her voice. “We’re here to make sure you two don’t kill each other.”
    â€œPersonally, I welcome the protection,” Matthew joked, and was rewarded with a sharp elbow jab. “See what I mean?” he added.
    â€œAll right, you two. Behave,” Seth warned, shaking his head. “Don’t make us put you in timeout.”
    â€œHe/She started it,” Chanté and Matthew complained in unison and then gave each other sharp looks.
    Seth leaned into his wife’s ear. “Still think this is going to work?”
    Edie thrust up her chin and gave him a reassuring smile. “Trust me. Once we get to the resort they’ll be thanking us.”

Chapter 11
    â€œW hat the hell do you mean there’s no conference?” Chanté rounded on her best friend once the group arrived at the front desk of The Tree of Life Spa and Resort. “I have a full itinerary and workshop program—”
    â€œI sort of made those up,” Edie admitted and then used her husband as a human shield in case Chanté put her good pinching fingers to use.
    â€œYou made them up?” Matthew and Chanté barked.
    â€œWhy would you do something like that?” Chanté asked. “Do you know what I had to do to get this time off from the radio station on such short notice?”
    â€œMr. and Mrs. Valentine?” A calm, gentle female voice spoke from behind them.
    Chanté and Matthew turned cautiously toward an elderly white-haired woman who was just shy of five feet tall.
    â€œHello, I’m Dr. Margaret Gardner. Welcome to The Tree of Life Resort. I can’t tell you how excited I was that you two had registered for our Sexuality and

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