Wild Sky 2
fingers with mine. And, yes, we finally shared that Hollywood kiss, as Dana had called it back in the Twenty. And no, despite Calvin’s grim order, we didn’t keep our eyes open.
    Because sometimes you just have to let the entire world fade completely away.
    This close to the water, the breeze was relentless, and the wind chill brought the temperature down well into the low fifties. Which meant, here in Florida, that it was time to light your hair on fire and collapse sobbing on the ground before going inside to huddle beneath fleece blankets and turn on the stale-smelling electric heat.
    But Milo and I didn’t mind the cold. The sunlit and sparkling ocean, the cloudless blue sky, and the white sand were as gorgeous as ever. More so without the vacationing throngs to block our view. We sat on our favorite bench swing in a secluded little area that held picnic tables and ancient, boxy charcoal grills. Even though we held hands, we both just sat in companionable stillness and silence, our feet swishing back and forth as we both gently pushed the swing. But as the breeze gusted, I shivered a little bit despite my sweatshirt.
    Milo peeled off his hoodie and wrapped it around my shoulders.
    Won’t you be cold? I asked.
    His answer was immediate. I’m good , although I also picked up a stray thought that maybe I wasn’t entirely meant to hear. Maybe it’ll help. I always run a little too hot around you…
    Is that a bad thing? I wondered as he gently ran his hands up and down my arms in an attempt to warm me more quickly.
    Milo smiled ruefully and maybe even blushed a little. Sometimes. Yeah. It can be.
    My boyfriend was impossibly handsome, especially when he was smiling. The dimples on either cheek only added to what was, in my opinion, an already perfect face.
    As soon as the thought crossed my mind, I knew that Milo had caught it, too.
    His smile broadened, and it’s possible that he blushed again before leaning in to kiss me. But it was a quick one. He pulled away almost immediately, and although I felt a burst of that heat he’d mentioned, I caught his pointed Got a few things to talk about as he settled comfortably back on the bench, his arm still around me.
    I nodded. The drama at the Sav’A’Buck, although I wasn’t sure what more I could tell him. I certainly wasn’t going to apologize for doing what we all knew was the right thing. But then my thoughts shifted to darker things, and I exhaled.
    “Dana’s crazier than usual,” I said out loud, sending him a memory burst of the conversation I’d had with her in the movie theater bathroom. Setting up meetings with Destiny addicts? Forget about what I’d done as a knee-jerk reaction in the Sav’A’Buck parking lot. A scheduled heart-to-heart with a D-girl was beyond dangerous.
    “I know.” Milo’s smile turned sad as he pushed a strand of hair back from my face. Can’t really blame her this time…
    As long as I’d known her, Dana had been intense. But last fall, when Sasha had looked up at Dana and called her by the name of her younger, long-ago-abducted-and-believed-to-be-dead sister, Lacey…
    Dana’s initial reaction had been one of sheer disbelief. She’d worked hard through the years to deal with the grief and the loss—and to put it behind her. But now…
    She really thinks Lacey might be alive? I asked Milo. Has she found any hard evidence?
    He shook his head. None. He smiled at me again. I think she decided to go with her gut.
    Inwardly, I nodded. Greater-Than powers were so weird and mysterious, and often involved things like sometimes sensing snippets of the future. And even though Dana didn’t include prescience on her personal talent list, it was a given to have faith in a G-T who was trusting her instincts.
    If Dana really believes Lacey’s out there, she’s not going to rest until she finds her.
    My thought penetrated Milo, who gazed off into the distance as he slid his hand down my arm and grabbed hold of my hand. I

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