
WitchofArundaleHall by Jennifer Leeland Page A

Book: WitchofArundaleHall by Jennifer Leeland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Leeland
continued to stroke her
pussy, sending her spinning into oblivion. The sensation of his skin on hers,
his hot tongue and his wicked fingers, made her heart accelerate until she
wondered if she was going to die reaching for that final pinnacle.
    The first time, she’d been overwhelmed by the dominance of
the three men she’d betrayed, her fear of the loss of her innocence swept away
by the intense arousal. But now it was only him, just him. His possession, his
dominance, was the only thing she wanted and the only focus of her addled
    When his fingers slid inside her slick channel, she moaned
and squirmed helplessly. He moved down her body, his mouth branding every inch
of her skin. She was hot, needy, on the edge of insanity that could only be
relieved by his touch.
    She opened her eyes, wanting to see him as he kissed her
bellybutton. His dark hair brushed her sensitive skin and his long, beautiful
fingers brushed her thighs. When he raised his head and met her gaze it was as
if lightning struck her. That connection snapped into place and the bonds
between them tightened. Her soul reached out, grasping for him, needing him.
    His inhuman growl made her nerves jump, not with fear but
intense desire. She couldn’t touch him or urge him in any way except with her
voice. “Please, Perry. I burn.”
    He stroked her inner walls with his fingers, his stare
focused on her face. “You know what to call me,” he said in a guttural tone. “I
am your Master. Say it, Sarah.”
    No. She couldn’t. It was as if that were the last line that
kept her anchored in reality. If she acknowledged what he was to her he would
destroy her. She twisted and shifted, trying to escape his knowing hand and his
implacable gaze.
    But then he bent down and blew his hot breath over her erect
nub while he stroked her inside with his fingers. She cried out, stars blazing
across her vision. So close. Just one touch of his tongue on her and she’d
unravel. He kept her on edge, another heated kiss on her inner thigh, just to
the right of her aching core.
    “Perry,” she sobbed and arched toward him. “Perry! Please. I
need you.”
    He growled again and dove between her legs. At the first
scrape of his tongue over her, she shattered. Her scream echoed in her ears and
the sensation went on and on. He gave her no reprieve but drove her back toward
that edge. He bit her, devoured her, his sinful mouth doing magic she knew she
could never undo.
    Her breath came in pants as she spun into another tornado of
arousal. This time she shouted Perry’s name and his response vibrated against
her pussy. It was enough. It was too much. She wanted…she needed…the things she
thought were so erotic that she tossed her head back and forth.
    She swallowed and did what she knew would please them both. She
begged. “Take me. Please, take me now.”
    “No,” Perry answered. He intended to drive her to exhaustion
with pleasure. Even as his cock pulsed painfully and the beast beneath the
surface surged forward to place its Claim on her, he resisted.
    When he’d been honorable, let her choose to reject him,
another wolf had tried to take what belonged to him. Now he was taking that
choice away. But when the morning light shone its harsh light on his actions he
was going to make sure she couldn’t say he took her without her permission.
    He slid his tongue lower, his fingers still buried in her
sweet pussy. When he touched her arse with his mouth, she froze. Like a
predator Perry hummed with arousal at her stillness. He sucked and nipped at
her puckered flesh. As frozen as she’d been, an instant later she went wild
beneath his ministrations. She bucked and rocked, her whimpers firing him
further. He dove in, his nose near her pussy and his tongue lashing her arse.
    His fingers were soaked as her pussy wept for him. Then her
whole body went rigid and she squeezed him in a vise that he felt all through
him. She gushed, her slick channel ready and hot.
    It was too

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