With Her Capture
cried out while
her world shattered into millions of pieces. She let go while her
orgasm exploded inside her. Come rushed out of her, like a bubble
erupting right before it left her, then soaking both of them
instantly. The smell of lust filled the air around them along with
something else that smelled clean, almost relaxing. Yet relaxed was
a far cry from how she felt.
    Every inch of her
trembled. Her orgasm hit her hard. It didn’t matter how long it had
been since she’d came. It wasn’t important how well her last lover
had fucked her. Nothing about her past carried any importance, not
any longer. What she’d just experienced was unlike anything she
ever had before. Whether he knew it, or not, Ayden had just changed
her world—forever.
    She watched him explode
along with her. For the rest of her life she would remember what
she saw at that very moment. Ayden threw his head back. His wide
chest puffed out. His neck appeared thicker. But it was when he
opened his mouth and howled, at the same time filling her insides
with repeated hot squirts of his come that she understood. He
didn’t try pulling out, which was the only way to minimize the
length of time their scents would be embedded on each
    He lowered his head and
focused on her. Something in his eyes had changed. She recognized
pure carnal satisfaction. But she now understood what she’d
smelled. Ayden had been serious about laying his kill at her paws.
Not only had this powerful, protective male found her, but he’d
just laid his claim on her. How would she ever leave him

Chapter Seven
    Ayden followed Magda
over the makeshift bridge she’d created by causing a tree to fall.
The tree was tall enough that its trunk stretched over the rushing
water with roots splayed on the bank they’d been on and branches
stretched across the snow covered ground on the other side. It had
taken a moment to smell the truth of what happened when it fell.
He’d heard few howlings over the years about Malta werewolves—that
they moved things with their minds. That didn’t make it any less
incredible witnessing it.
    Magda had smelled more
upset after the tree fell than him. Probably because she wasn’t
used to anyone, possibly other than her litter, witnessing what she
could do without whoever saw it wanting to hunt her down after.
Ayden had no problem showing her that it didn’t bother
    Maybe it was growing up
on a mountain with so many other species nearby. He’d known since
he was a pup that everyone in the world wasn’t just like him. His
sire raised him and Anthony to respect others, such as the
leopards, owls and
. Each had their assets and flaws. The way it smelled to
Ayden, Malta werewolf were different, but not so flawed they needed
annihilated. The one trotting in front of him definitely needed
kept around, cherished and protected.
    He watched her ass sway
in front of him and focused on the extra shiny glimpses he caught
under her tail where he knew she was still wet. Later he would
bathe her. He couldn’t wait to do so. But he wouldn’t deprive her
of a good hunt first. Ayden imagined it had been a while since
Magda had enjoyed the luxury of being the hunter instead of the
    As they leapt off the
fallen tree the sun gleamed over Magda’s silky black coat. He’d
never seen a werewolf with her coloring. Black as night. Smooth and
satiny, and so incredibly soft to the touch. Not like his rough,
thick coat. Ayden imagined she felt the cold a lot more than he
did. If so, Magda wasn’t showing it. She moved with eager
enthusiasm ahead of him and looked back only after she’d jumped
gracefully off the tree.
    A tree she still
smelled very proud of making fall with her powers. She’d tested
him, wanted a rise out of him, fear or anger. Hopefully he’d shown
her that she wouldn’t chase him off with some trick of her
    Ayden knew they were
different. Hell, her coat was black and his white. But their

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