X Marks the Scot

X Marks the Scot by Victoria Roberts Page A

Book: X Marks the Scot by Victoria Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Roberts
ever upon your ears. Donna encourage this madness.”
    Catesby looked offended and placed his hand over his heart. “Of course, my dear boy.”
    Deep in thought, Declan ambled back across the field. The tournament was about to begin and he wanted to make sure the healer was well. If these words were spreading through court, he knew someone would be daft enough to believe such untruths and the matter could quickly transform into a more serious issue. He wouldn’t give any more fuel to the accusations, but he would make certain that the lass temporarily ceased her healing.
    He searched for the healer in the crowd, finally spotting his wee bonny witch speaking with Rosalia’s mother.
    Liadain fretted. Where was MacGregor when she needed him? She’d avoided him after their unsettling encounter outside her bedchamber, but now she desperately wanted him by her side. Lady Armstrong had spotted her and headed straight for her.
    It was too late to make her escape.
    She pasted on a bright smile. “Lady Armstrong. A pleasure to see ye again.”
    Rosalia’s mother returned a smile that did not quite reach her eyes. “A pleasure to see you as well, my lady. It is a great day for a tournament. Is it not?”
    Liadain nodded and looked away uncomfortably. “Aye.”
    “I must apologize that we did not get to speak more last eve. How much longer will you be staying at court? Will you be traveling home soon?”
    As Liadain turned, Lady Armstrong’s probing gaze sent a chill down her spine. “I am nae sure.”
    Lady Armstrong’s features were deceptively composed. “Tell me. Was my daughter well when you saw her last?”
    Liadain clenched her fists tight at her side. “Rosalia was well.” She frantically glanced through the crowd, searching for MacGregor. Clearly Rosalia’s mother was prodding for information about her daughter, and Liadain did not want to make matters worse by saying something she should not. When a familiar voice spoke from behind, she immediately stiffened.
    “I see you have met the Earl of Argyll’s sister, Lady Armstrong.”
    Liadain said a silent prayer. Could this be any worse? She needed rescuing—fast.
    “Lord Dunnehl. How fortunate that we bumped into each other. Lady Campbell and I were just speaking of my daughter,” said Lady Armstrong, placing her arm on Lord Dunnehl’s.
    Liadain did not fail to notice the silent message that passed between the two of them at the mention of Rosalia. The strong feeling in the pit of her stomach led her to believe this was not going to end well. Lady Armstrong’s eyes lit up in surprise as Liadain felt a warm, strong hand at her back. She would recognize the warmth of that touch anywhere.
    “The tournament is about to begin. Viscount Cranborne has arrived,” MacGregor said in an unreadable tone.
    She glanced up at him and cast him a thankful look. Turning, she said in a soft tone to Lady Armstrong, “Pray excuse me.” She had taken a step away when a hand reached out to stay her.
    Rosalia’s mother smiled in amusement. “But you have not yet introduced us.”
    MacGregor paused, glaring at Lady Armstrong’s restraining grip upon Liadain. Without warning, he reached out and positioned the woman’s hand back on Lord Dunnehl’s arm.
    “Nay, she hasnae.” He placed his arm protectively around Liadain’s back, urging her to step away. “Come. Tha mi duilich. ” I am sorry.
    Lord Dunnehl smirked. “Highland barbarian. ”
    Liadain held her breath, praying MacGregor did not hear Lord Dunnehl’s words. The beastly lord was obviously trying to provoke him. All she needed was to have MacGregor raise his sword against Dunnehl and slay a peer of the realm in front of the king. She couldn’t help but cringe when MacGregor stiffened and slowly turned around, his face a glowering mask of rage.
    Hastily, she pulled his rock-hard arm close to her side. “Donna. Ye will only make matters worse. Cha leig thu leas.” Do not bother.
    A muscle

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