Young Love (Bloomfield #4)

Young Love (Bloomfield #4) by Janelle Stalder Page B

Book: Young Love (Bloomfield #4) by Janelle Stalder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janelle Stalder
good at ignoring the opposite sex.
    Shaking my head, I set the popcorn aside, and turned off the show. It was useless. I wasn’t going to be able to truly relax when all I could think about was his perfect face and the incredible way he kissed.
    My hand lifted on its own to touch my lips. The memory of the feel of his was still so strong even though it had happened months ago. Was any girl able to get over Grey once they had a taste? Somehow I doubted it. The man should have come with a warning.
    “This is ridiculous,” I said, angry at myself for even dwelling on these thoughts. I just needed a good sleep and then I could go back to ignoring him. Walking to my bedroom, I slipped under the covers and tried to get comfortable.
    It didn’t go well.
    I tossed and turned for what felt like hours. When I looked over at the clock on my night table, I saw it was already past midnight. Kicking the covers off me with a huff, I stared up at the ceiling above my bed as if the answer to sleep lay there.
    A faint giggle sounded from somewhere in the quietness surrounding me. I froze, listening closely. Another giggle followed by a throaty, female moan reached my ears. What was that? I sat up, looking around. Another moan filled the tiny space of my bedroom. I heard the deep rumble of a male voice before the worse thing ever began.
    Mortified, I turned to the wall behind me, my mouth open in shock as a rhythmic thumping started. The female moans grew in frequency and volume as it continued.
    “ Yes, Grey. Yes.”
    No. No, no, no, no. I was not listening to Grey and Kelly have sex. I was not.
    A bang hit the wall as that damn thumping picked up speed. The moans were turning to screams as my head began to shake. This could not be happening. My face felt like it was on fire as I shamelessly sat in my bed listening to my neighbor have sex with his girlfriend.
    The neighbor I’d just spent the whole evening thinking about.
    Kelly’s scream sounded through the wall as she shouted his name. A moment later I heard a deep groan that could have only been from him.
    That was…incredibly humiliating.
    I pulled the covers back over me, lying back in my bed with it tucked under my chin. I didn’t move, afraid they might actually hear me on the other side. Oh God, what if he knew I could hear? How was I supposed to face either of them?
    Why the fuck did he have to sleep with her?!
    Uh, because she’s his girlfriend!
    Actually, I thought, slinking down lower under the covers, this was exactly what I needed. This was the reality slap that would make me get my head back on straight. Grey and I were never going to be anything, and I needed to remember that.
    Rolling over, I pushed away the distinct ache in my chest, and closed my eyes again, ignoring the burn in them. We were just friends. Just friends. I needed to remember that. Now that I’d heard just how unattainable he was, I could finally wipe Grey from my mind and get some rest.
    Or, at least I thought so, right up until I heard Kelly’s giggle once more. Not five minutes later that damn thumping started up again. What was this guy, superman? Who recovered after that short amount of time?
    Pulling my pillow over my head, I squeezed my eyes shut, praying for sleep to relieve me from this waking nightmare.
    Anger. That was the first emotion to wash over me when I woke up. I whipped my eggs for breakfast as if they’d done something to piss me off. I’d eaten them and had my coffee with a permanent scowl. I’d brushed my teeth and looked at my reflection with narrowed eyes, brows low over them.
    As I dressed for a run, I’d laced up my shoes so tightly, I wouldn’t have been surprised if I cut off the circulation to my feet.
    I was pissed.
    I didn’t know why, but I couldn’t shake this foul mood. Even my morning run wasn’t as enjoyable as usual. The fresh air did nothing to alleviate the dark cloud that was hovering over me. Even the

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