9-11: descent into tyranny : the New World Order's dark plans to turn Earth into a prison planet
motive. I see more intelligence funding. I see a cashless society with the biometrics. I see an expanded U.N. I see NATO planes patrolling our skies. U.N.
    General MacKenzie, on “Nightline,” September 19, eight days
    after the attack, said, “We need U.N. troops on our borders.” I see global government being empowered, and a takeover of the Middle East and Central Asia by the West. I see great dividends for them by allowing this to happen.
    I hope you are wrong. I do. But I can’t fight with you or argue with you on it, because it does seem to be heading that way.
    For trying to protect their country, the heroes get crucified. DS:
    The heroes get crucified, and the bureaucrats sit out there and tell each other what a great job they are doing until another city blows up, and then they say, “We need more tools.” They have all the tools in the world. They could have found the money years ago, if they had just listened. We’ve got to go public because we tried to do it the right way. We tried to do it by going to the people in

    whom you would normally repose your confidence and trust. It didn’t work. Nobody cares.
    Well, we know this. The bureaucrats are going to get even more funding now.

    The Anthrax Attacks

    You want more evidence of prior knowledge? On October 24, 2001, the Associated Press reported that Ari Fleischer, in a White House press briefing, admitted that George W. Bush and much of his cabinet were already on Cipro on September 11, four weeks before the first traces of anthrax popped up in Boca Raton, Florida. Since then, the FBI had admitted that the anthrax was sent from Fort Detrick, Maryland, a U.S. biological weapons lab. The anthrax letters arrived at the Capitol building at a critical juncture, just as the USA Patriot Act was being considered.

    Pakistan’s Secret Police and the “Airlift of Evil”

    Pakistan’s Secret Police (ISI) is a publicly known front of the CIA. In 2000, US
    intelligence agencies aided General Musharraf in a successful coup. In late 2001, Pakistani intelligence, using US aircraft, airlifted 6,000 taliban and al-Qaeda leaders to safety out of Afghanistan ( MSNBC , November 29, 2001, “Airlift of Evil”; The New Yorker , January 21, 2002, “The Getaway”; The Times , January 21, 2002, “US Let Taleban Men Escape”).

    In the summer of 2001, Pakistani ISI chief, General Ahmed, ordered an aide to wiretransfer $100,000 to Mohammed Atta, who, according to the Federal Government, was the head terrorist in the suicide hijackings. Soon after revelations of this transaction surfaced, General Ahmed resigned.

    Who would have ever guessed that General Mahmoud Ahmed, the Head of Pakistani Intelligence, the man who wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta, would just so happen to

    be in Washington DC the week of September 11th? General Ahmed arrived September 4th in the United States on an official visit and State Department visa. From September 49 he met with the heads of U.S. intelligence, including CIA Director George Tenet.

    On the morning of September 11, General Ahmed was in a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill with both of the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees, Senator Bob Graham and Representative Porter Goss. Months later, in July 2002, these same Congressmen on the Joint Intelligence Committee feigned ignorance and conducted a shameless Warren Commission-style whitewash of the government prior knowledge story.

    It is important to note that the government prior knowledge story that dominated the front pages of newspapers in May of 2002 was in itself a distraction. The propagandists knew that they were losing control of the story as more and more people began to come forward to blow the whistle on government involvement in September 11th. As concrete facts began to emerge documenting the evidence that September 11 was a carefully crafted intelligence operation conducted by the West, they needed to get out in front of the story

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