A Cadence Creek Christmas (Cadence Creek Cowboys)

A Cadence Creek Christmas (Cadence Creek Cowboys) by Donna Alward

Book: A Cadence Creek Christmas (Cadence Creek Cowboys) by Donna Alward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Alward
that kiss had never happened, he would have been courteous to any woman he’d been paired with for the day. That was just plain manners where he came from. But she was too damned independent. Wanted to do everything by herself. Was it to prove she could? She didn’t have to prove anything to him. Anyone with eyes in their head could see she was good at her job. She’d pulled this whole event together in a few weeks. That took organizational skills and long hours and, he suspected, a good amount of money. He felt like saying, “I get it. You’re successful and you earned it all by yourself.”
    The contrast between them was laughable. So why did he bother? He got the feeling she’d never understand his point of view anyway.
    He mingled a bit, visiting with neighbors and acquaintances. The Diamonds arrived, and then fifteen minutes after that Avery and Callum followed, along with Denise and Jack and of course, the adorable Nell. His gaze lit on the little girl for a moment, all in ruffles with a tiny green bow in her dark curls. Humph. Taylor probably didn’t even want kids. It would take too much time away from her business and important tasks. How much more reminding did he need that she was not for him? Her work was her top priority.
    Rhys’s heart constricted as he thought of the two little boys he’d grown so attached to. For a while he’d been so focused on saving the business that he’d neglected the people closest to him. Funny how your perspective changed when you lost what you didn’t appreciate in the first place.
    So why did he kiss her last night? Why had he made an effort today? And why in hell couldn’t he stop thinking about her eyes swimming with tears as he handed her a stupid square of cotton during the ceremony?
    Sam took the mic and introduced the happy couple and asked everyone to take their seats. “You, too, Taylor,” he added, glimpsing her talking to one of the wait staff by the door. She smiled and gave a little shrug, making people chuckle as she came his way.
    Rhys waited. And when she got to his side, he held out his arm.
    He could tell her teeth were clenched as she smiled and put her hand on his arm. “You did that on purpose,” she accused, smiling brightly.
    He smiled back. “Yes, I did. Just to annoy you.”
    Her eyes sparked. “Why would you do that?”
    “Because pushing your buttons amuses me,” he replied. “I know I shouldn’t.” He pulled out her chair with a flourish and noticed her cheeks were flushed. “It’s pretty clear where we stand. But I can’t resist.”
    She took up her napkin and gave it a sharp flap before settling it on her lap. “Hmm. I took you for a rule follower. Straight and narrow. Didn’t take you as a bit of a scamp.”
    Once upon a time he’d been far more carefree and less careful. A risk taker. Circumstances had made him grow up in a hurry. “Funny,” he answered, taking his seat and retrieving his own napkin. “I never pictured you as the sappy type either, but...”
    “Maybe we bring out the worst in each other,” she said in an undertone, reaching for her water glass.
    “See? We’re getting to know each other better. Now I know that you see both fun and sentimentality as flaws.”
    “You’re deliberately twisting my words.”
    “Be quiet. The minister is going to say the blessing.”
    He was gratified when she clamped her lips shut—score one for him. After the blessing, Sam took to the mic again, explaining the order of the evening while the salads were served. Even the salads matched the Christmas decor—greens with candied pecans, red cranberries and creamy feta. Her attention to the smallest detail was starting to get annoying.
    Staff were on hand at each table to pour the wine, and he noticed that when Taylor’s glass had been filled with red, she reached for it immediately and took a long sip.
    Maybe he shouldn’t bug her so much. She had a lot on her mind today. He didn’t need to add to the stress.

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