A Charming Hex (Magical Cures Mystery Series Book 9)

A Charming Hex (Magical Cures Mystery Series Book 9) by Tonya Kappes

Book: A Charming Hex (Magical Cures Mystery Series Book 9) by Tonya Kappes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tonya Kappes
to get a better look.
    “He had the most beautiful shell collection from all the times his parents had brought him here, but lost it all in the fire.” She rubbed a loving hand down Peter’s back. He didn’t seem to pay much attention to it.
    My heart warmed. It was good to see Juliette taking on the mothering role for her soon-to-be brother-in-law.
    “I hope you find a lot of treasure,” I said to him and looked over when I heard the sand shuffling behind me.
    “Treasure?” Violet asked as she stood behind us.
    “Yeah.” Juliette laughed. “Peter thinks there is treasure near the volcano.”
    “The volcano is off limits.” Violet didn’t find the cute treasure hunt at all cute. “Gene should’ve told you that when he took you to your villa.”
    “He did, but we were fine.” Juliette drew back.
    “If it weren’t off limits, then we would take you. Stay away from the volcano.” Violet’s voice was stern, not at all wavering.
    “Chill out.” Juliette shook her head.
    “Everything okay here?” Patrick jogged up. He looked at Juliette with the dead eyes I’d seen before.
    “It’s fine.” Juliette kissed his lips. His eyes wandered to Violet and the look of love glistened in them as he looked at her.
    “It’s not fine.” Violet turned on the balls of her bare feet and trotted off.
    Patrick and Juliette strolled off. Juliette kicking the surf water up at Patrick as he grabbed her, picked her up and cradled her in his arms.
    “This is when I tell my father that sometimes it’s best to just shut down the island.” Anger spilled out of Violet’s mouth. She had returned and sat next to me.  In the sunlight, the freckles danced across her nose and even along the tops of her shoulders.
    “It’s a beautiful treasure not to share with the world.” I dragged my bag across the sand and took out my sunscreen.
    “People like her will make it not so beautiful.” Violet’s eyes narrowed. “Plus, Patrick should’ve told her because he and his family have been here so many times that they know what is off limits.”
    Her displeasure of Juliette was apparent and I wasn’t so sure it was the fact that Juliette had gone past the preserve and to the volcano that was the true source of her hatred or the fact Juliette had snagged Patrick.
    “That smells good.” She turned her attention to me and adjusted the elastic of the strapless dress underneath her armpits. “What is it?”
    I held out the lime green potion bottle.
    “It’s sunscreen. Homeopathic sunscreen.” I had to tell her something due to the fact it wasn’t bottled in the normal sunscreen plastic containers.
    “Homeopathic?” Her head tilted. She took it from me and got a closer inspection. She even popped the cork to get a smell. “What is the SPF?”
    The question swirled in my head. The potion was specifically made for me and it took on the SPF that my body and skin needed.
    “I’m not sure. I have been testing it out for years and it’s something I make for me so it’s not the same for you.” I shrugged hoping the answer would satisfy her.
    “Interesting.” She turned the bottle around and got a look at it from all sides. “Can I try some?”
    “Sure.” I backed up in the chair and started to relax. The ocean was calm and bright blue with a hint of green every so often. In the distance a family of dolphins took turns jumping in and out of the water.
    The water flowed beyond the horizon while the baby blue sky blanketed above us with a few puffs of white clouds that looked as if someone had pulled apart a cotton ball and placed them there. The chirp of the seagulls echoed as they flew overhead and the sound of the waves lightly rolling on the packed sand was so soothing to the soul.
    As much as I hated to admit it, the Order of Elders did send us to a wonderful island for our honeymoon and I was not disappointed.
    “This is wonderful.” Violet had taken it upon herself to pour some of the sunscreen in her hands and apply

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