A Convenient Wife

A Convenient Wife by Carolyn Davidson

Book: A Convenient Wife by Carolyn Davidson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Davidson
    â€œYou can’t go fighting any battles over me, Doc,” she told him. “I’ll just have to find someplace else to live.”
    He shook his head. “Not on your life, honey. You’re staying here, where you belong.” Releasing her hand, he motioned to her fork. “Come on, now. Eat your supper, and I’ll tell you what I think we should do.”
    Obediently, she picked up the utensil and speared a piece of carrot, carrying it to her mouth and chewing it, her eyes never leaving his face. And then she leaned back. “I can’t eat till you put me out of my misery, Doc,” she told him. “What are you planning?”
    â€œWell,” he began, picking up a chicken leg and inspecting it. “You do fry chicken to a turn, Ellie,” he said with a grin, then turned the full force of that smile in her direction. His teeth bit into the tender meat and he chewed for a moment, wondering how she would take the revelation of his plan.
    There was only one way to find out.
    â€œYour father has been making noises again, about youliving here. And along with folks being curious about my intentions, I’ve decided we should get married.”
    Ellie dropped her fork, and it clattered against the thick china plate, then fell to the floor. “Oh, dear,” she whispered. “Now look what I’ve done.”
    â€œI’ll get you another fork,” he said, rising quickly and walking to the buffet.
    â€œNot that,” she said, her voice breaking as tears formed. She looked up at him and anguish painted her features. “I’ve put you in a terrible spot, Doc. You don’t want to marry me, any more than you want to…” She halted as if she could think of nothing horrendous enough to compare.
    â€œOh, but I do,” he said, placing the fork in her cold fingers. “Now, sit up there and eat,” he told her, circling to his own chair. He watched as she chewed and swallowed bites of potato and a forkful of green beans. Woodenly, she reached for a piece of chicken and ate it, her eyes fastened to her plate, as if something there was too marvelous to ignore.
    â€œEllie?” He spoke her name quietly, carefully, and was rewarded when she looked up at him.
    â€œDoc? Are you funning me?” she asked, and beneath the scoffing words, he detected a note of hope.
    â€œNo.” His head shook slowly. “No, I wouldn’t do that, Ellie. You know me better than that, I’d think.
    â€œI thought we’d go and see the preacher,” he told her, mindful of her stillness. She’d eaten a bit of the chicken, but not enough to please him. “If you eat everything on your plate, we can go after supper,” he said, his voice carrying a teasing lilt.
    She looked down with a frown. “I don’t think I have any appetite,” she said. “My mind’s just spinning around in a circle, and I feel dizzy.”
    â€œYou’re not going to faint on me, are you?”
    Her color was good. In fact, he’d say she looked downrighthealthy. Except for the dazed look in her eyes, and that was to be expected, he supposed.
    â€œNo.” She shook her head. “I never faint. I come from sturdy stock. But I surely do feel like I’ve been dreaming and somebody’s gonna come by and pinch me awake any minute now.”
    â€œIt’s no dream,” Win said. “And nobody’s going to pinch you awake. I’m going to make a bride out of you, honey.” And if he knew what was good for himself, and for Ellie, too, he’d save the wife part for later.

Chapter Five
    A fist pounding on the door caught Ellie unawares as she cleared the table, and within minutes, Win had spoken to the visitor and was on his way, black leather bag in hand.
    â€œI don’t know how long I’ll be,” he called back over his shoulder. “Depends on how much stitching up I need to do.” His response

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