Book: A CRY FROM THE DEEP by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
sigh of relief and rose alongside of him, practicing the decompression stops most divers disliked, because it took too long at a time when they were too tired to do much more. This instance though, she didn’t mind, as it gave her a chance to gather her thoughts.
    When she reached the surface, Daniel gave her a thumbs up. She’d made it back without any difficulty. Her confidence was returning, but she wasn’t so naïve to think this dive had solved her problem. In fact, this dive had underlined what was at stake. The visions could be a manifestation of her fears, ones she couldn’t afford to have. So distracting, they could be a hazard she hadn’t considered. But what if the man and woman she’d seen had nothing to do with that? As the alternative was too crazy to think about, she pushed that thought away.

    On the drive back to Manhattan, a radio talk show host ranted about the latest scandal in Congress. Catherine said, “Do you want to listen to this?”
    “No,” said Daniel. “It’s just more of the same.”
    She shut the radio off. They were nearing the Lincoln Tunnel. The sun was low in the sky, and the city’s skyscraper windows dazzled like amber squares in a mosaic. It wasn’t the countryside, but it had its own beauty.
    “Pretty, huh?” said Daniel. “I never get tired of looking at that view.”
    “When I lived here, there was nowhere else I wanted to be.”
    “And now you’re back.”
    “Only until this assignment is over. I can’t believe we’re leaving for Ireland in five weeks.”
    “Yeah.” He drove through the E-ZPass toll lane. “I never asked you, but did my name come up when you met with Hennesey?”
    “No. He was probably too busy sizing me up to say anything about you.” She frowned. “I wonder if our presence will be much of a deterrent. Salvagers like Hennesey can easily cover up any theft, and there’s no sheriff to stop them.”
    “You’re forgetting there are more rules and regulations now.”
    “Ha. I don’t see Hennesey quaking in his sandals.” Her voice rose as she continued. “What’s the good of more rules if they’re impossible to enforce? The last time he was in court, he got nothing more than a hand slap. You call that progress?”
    Daniel grinned. “Frank did say you can get pretty worked up. That could be a hazard on this voyage.”
    She smiled. “I’ll try and keep it in check.” She looked at her watch. “Do you mind dropping me off in the Village by Washington Square?”
    “Big date?”
    “My ex and daughter. I’m meeting them at Monte’s Trattoria.”
    “I can take you right there.”
    “No, just drop me off at the park. I wouldn’t mind a walk after the drive.” They passed the marker in the tunnel under the Hudson River, showing where New Jersey ended and New York began. Seeing that boundary again was another reminder of how much she loved this city.
    When they got out of the tunnel, Daniel said, “That’s pretty remarkable, both of you on good terms like that.”
    “You and your husband, I mean, your ex.”
    “I don’t think it’s that unusual. He’s a decent guy. He’s been great about letting us stay at his apartment.”
    Daniel’s eyes widened. “You’re staying with him?”
    “That’s where you picked me up today.”
    He let another driver cut in front of him. “It’s not awkward for you?”
    “No. He’s not that kind of guy.”
    Daniel teased. “What kind of guy is he?”
    “Well, he’s intelligent, a good father, …kind, generous, and …he’s a great cook.”
    “He sounds amazing. Maybe I should marry him.”
    Catherine laughed but immediately regretted sharing anything about Richard. She’d revealed too much. When she’d told him about Richard’s qualities, she’d stumbled. It was as if she still cared. She wondered what Daniel thought. He was probably judging her for giving up on a guy she’d painted as Mr. Wonderful.
    It wasn’t long before Daniel

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