A Family of Their Own

A Family of Their Own by Gail Gaymer Martin Page B

Book: A Family of Their Own by Gail Gaymer Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gail Gaymer Martin
the same night. I saw them in the rain. Do you think…?” The warm summer evening returned, rain spattering from the clouds. “‘Don’t Stop Believin’ and ‘Open Arms’—”
    Kelsey’s eyes glistened as they laughed and shared a high-five across the table. Ross’s chest constricted with the good feeling that washed over him. “Apparently we like the same music.”
    “But it’s been a long time since I’ve seen anyone in concert.”
    His knee jerked with the invitation. “Then we need to see who’s in town.”
    “That would be great, Ross.” Her eyes searched his. “Really great.”
    The waitress arrived with their soup and salads first, and then they settled into the meal. The steak was tender and delicious, served with his favorite, a baked potato, and Kelsey praised the veal dish served with pasta. Though the conversation had lulled, the warmth of their previous talk remained. He’d check the papers to see what artists were in town and pick up some tickets.
    When the plates were cleared, the waitress brought over a dessert tray and displayed the great-looking options. Keylime pie. Chocolate peanut-butter mousse pie. Granny Smith apple pie with ice cream.
    Kelsey shook her head. “Just coffee, please.”
    “I’ll have coffee, too, and—” He’d noticed that she’d eyed the crème brulée. “How about one of these and two spoons.” He raised his eyebrows and ogled Kelsey.
    She laughed. “You’re tempting me. Okay, just a bite.”
    The waitress left, and Ross shifted to a chair adjacent to Kelsey to get a better view of the dance band. The music began as their dessert arrived, and Ross’s concentration wasn’t on the creamy dessert but on the woman beside him. He longed to hold her in his arms to feel her breath against his cheek.
    Years had passed since these sensations had touched him, not even a hint of emotion, but tonight the feelings exploded in his heart. He was walking on a minefield, and each step filled him with anxiety. Was he ready to fall head over heels? Was Kelsey even interested in more than a friendship? And if tragedy struck either one of them, could their relationship survive?
    “This is delicious.”
    Kelsey’s comment seeped through his thoughts. “It is.” He gave a head toss to the band. “Do you like the music?”
    “Nice. I love that song.”
    “Need You Now” flooded the room. The female singer approached the microphone, the tender music setting Ross’s senses on edge. “Would you care to dance?”
    She set down her coffee cup and gazed at him. Finally, she gave a slight nod. “It’s been years.”
    “Another thing we have in common.” He rose and took her hand, leading her through the tables to the dance floor.
    Kelsey moved into his arms as the music swelled, his heart pummeled his chest as they swayed to the music. He moved carefully, his mind digging back to his dancing days years earlier. She moved with him, graceful, light as gossamer in his arms. A sweet scent filled the air, her hair kissed his cheek as they moved to the rhythm.
    Since they’d arrived, he and Kelsey had established things in common without talking about the girls or illness or sadness. Music, dancing, concerts, even crème brulée. He longed to be reassured that things in common could be the beginning of something special.
    The song ended, but before Ross led her off the dance floor, another slow song began. Her heart stirred when she heard the song, “I Want to Know What Love Is.” He drew her closer and they swayed to the music, turning with the rhythm, their hands touching, their arms embracing each other. The lyrics moved her. She needed time to think things over, too. She’d wanted to know what love was. She’d thought once she knew what love was, but it had vanished like smoke. Taking a chance and then losing it again would be more than she could face. She wondered if Ross was listening to the words, too.
    She felt his gaze on her, and she looked

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