Chasing Soma

Chasing Soma by Amy Robyn

Book: Chasing Soma by Amy Robyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Robyn
I am so overcome with emotions that I know that I am shaking.
    “Really? We are having another baby?” I have to ask even though I have the proof still tightly clasped in my hand.
    “Yes, really.” She tells me as she presses her body against mine, making me harden painfully against her stomach. My baby is inside that stomach right now. I put my hand against it and look into her eyes.
    “I will love you and our children for the rest of my life.” I tell her and she smirks up at me.
    “I sure hope so because I will love you and our children for mine as well.” I cup her cheek and just stare down at the face I fell in love with so many years ago. I never thought I would be here now. I thought I had lost her. I am so glad I came back when I did. I would never have known that the feelings I had for her as a boy would pale in comparison to how I feel about her now. Not only has she given me her love unconditionally, but she has given me a family. She has given me a daughter I already love and hopefully a son to love just as much.
    Life is perfect with her and my children. I will never look back again. It is only forward. I look forward to the future and all of the dreams that I once thought were lost to me. Now, I know those dreams were only delayed. I have never been happier.

Sneak Peek: Coming Home
    Chapter 1.  8 years old. Sammy
    I was staying at my grandmother’s house the night my world changed. My parents were having a date night like they did every week and I loved every moment of it because I got to spend time with my very loving grandmother. I was just finishing my breakfast the next morning and contemplating whether or not to start packing up my dirty clothes or go outside and play for a while. I was eight so of course I leaned on the side of playing first. The doorbell rang as I was getting ready to step out the back door.
    “I’m sorry ma’am.” Is all I heard of the male voice when I hear an anguished cry, I stopped in my tracks and headed back to my grandmother who is now being held up by a police officer who looked completely uncomfortable.
    “Grandma.” I shouted as I rushed to her side. She sucked in a deep breath and seemed to get herself under control and was able to step away from the officer as I rushed into her arms. I know now that she pulled herself together for my benefit. She would only show how sad she was when she thought I was sleeping and I would hear her weeping. I wanted to be strong like her but I would cry, often without my permission. 
    I knew what had happened. I knew my parents wouldn’t be returning. My grandmother would never have reacted the way she had unless it had to do with her only daughter. My mom was all that had kept her going after she had lost her husband. My mother had only been three when it happened. He worked in a coal mine that collapsed, killing him and eleven other men. My grandmother had been devastated. From the stories, they had a beautiful whirlwind romance and they had still loved each other greatly.
    My grandmother never dated or even thought of marrying again. Mom was her lifeline and after that day I became her reason to live. At least I would like to think that I was that for her, when my mother died but I think it was a struggle for even with me. Oh, she loved me. For sure. I never once doubted that I was much loved but I think a piece of her died the day my mother did. No woman should have to bury a child.
    I remember my grandmother calmly telling me what happened, until my ears were ringing and I could no longer hear her words. I turned and fled out the back door. I ran through the woods. I had been down to the stream several times with my parents. They would take me there in the summers after a date night, so that I could wade in the water and search for crawfish. Being pinched once or twice by their claws didn’t discourage me. It was a place of warmth. A place where we had been happy.
    I ran, letting the branches whip my face and pull the

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