This Love's Not for Sale

This Love's Not for Sale by Ella Dominguez

Book: This Love's Not for Sale by Ella Dominguez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Dominguez
dialed his parent’s phone number. He needed to hear their voices and be reminded where he came from.
    “ Yep,” his mother answered.
    “Ma,” Tucker whispered.
    “Dad, it’s Tuck!” she yelled out of the mouthpiece. “Sweetie, it’s good to hear your voice. Is everything okay? You don’t sound well.”
    His mother had an uncan ny ability to read his emotions
    “I’m fine. I just wanted to hear your voice. How’s pops?”
    “The same, old and grumpy. Like you,” she laughed heartily.
    “I am not grumpy,” he grumbled and then chuckled at the sound of his own cantankerous voice. He really was turning out to be a crabby old cuss just like his father.
    “So why the call? Have you started seeing someone?” his mother asked wistfully.
    “Of course not. I’m just working on a tough deal.”
    “Oh? Something big?”
    “Potentially. If things work out, I could retire early with a deal like this. I’m just stressing about the… ” Tucker couldn’t think of how to word his deceitful plan. “… circumstances.”
    “Well, Tuck, I know how competitive you can be, but remember, it’s only money honey and retirement isn’t everything it’s cut out to be. Don’t make yourself sick over it, son. Just be honest and hard-working and everything will work out. I know you don’t want to hear this, but you win some, you lose some.”
    No, Tucker didn’t want to hear the same old speech he’d heard his entire childhood.  His parent’s only money honey attitude is what got them into the predicament of losing their farm and without a pot to piss in if not for him. Tucker sighed irritably and shook his head wondering why the hell he had called.
    “Dad says he loves you and to take care and bring whoever it is you’re not seeing over so we can meet her. Oh, and call your brother. I think Mason is up to no good.”
    Tucker couldn’t help but laugh at hi s mom’s keen sense. After hanging up, Tucker lingered outside, enjoying the crisp fall air.  He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Lilliana looking irate and still green around the gills.
    “I should get back to work. I’m not feeli ng so hot and I’ve lost my appetite.”
    “Is this because of what I said abou t the assessment?”
    Lilliana nodded , turning her face away from him . “I have no idea what to do. People are calling me day and night, my lawn and porch have been littered with business cards, I can’t even eat lunch with you without being accosted by someone wanting my property and warning me about… and now I find out that the appraiser lied to me and I’ll never ever be able to afford the taxes… it’s too much. Margo never would have wanted me to go through this. She worked so hard to keep the land that she and my mother grew up on…” Lilliana let out the most pitiful sob and it tore at Tucker’s heart.
    “Someone approached you just now?” he asked, puffing his chest out protectively. “Listen, Lilly, everything will be okay. I promise,” Tucker whispered, pulling her into his arms.
    Lillian a abruptly jerked away. “No, it will not. You’re just like all the rest of those vultures after my land. You, with your devil’s smile and body built for sin. I know what you want from me: 112 acres and my panties in your trophy case. I’m not stupid, Tucker McGrath. You think you can win me over with your steamy verbosity and by pushing my buttons because you know I long for a man’s touch and authority, but I’ve been to this dog and pony show before, and I won’t be made a fool of again! My land isn’t for sale and neither am I!”
    Lilliana’s harsh unprompted words jarred Tucker’s cool exterior. Was he that easy to read? Had he lost his touch?  Lilliana stood glaring at Tucker, waiting for his response, but he had none to offer. She was right - he was just like the rest. No - he was worse . He wasn’t only trying to get her land, but inside her mind and body, knowing full well he was only using her to get his

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