Green Tea and Black Death (The Godhunter, Book 5)

Green Tea and Black Death (The Godhunter, Book 5) by Amy Sumida

Book: Green Tea and Black Death (The Godhunter, Book 5) by Amy Sumida Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Sumida
framed his face for a kiss.
       It was nice to have him there. Before Trevor had left, Kirill only shared our bed occasionally. He gave Trevor his space and time alone with me since he was my alpha. In Kirill’s head, being alpha gave Trevor certain inalienable rights. In my head, being alpha gave Trevor issues he’d never had before and turned him into a bit of a prick sometimes. But Kirill respected him and so he’d tried to keep his distance.
       It was different now.
       “ How vas dinner vith your mom?” Kirill pulled back and peered into my face.
       “ Enlightening and aggravating,” I laughed, “for both of us.”
       “ How so?”
       “ She knows everything now and she’s handling it pretty well,” I snuggled deeper into the thick blankets, the chill of the air conditioner making it more enjoyable. “The aggravation came with the info she gave me.”
       “ Go on,” he prodded me gently when I fell silent.
       “ I don’t know where to start,” I sighed. “How can people who profess to be so holy… who act holier than thou all the fuckin’ time, be such evil bastards?”
       “ Ah,” his hand crept up to my shoulders and started rubbing, “Christians have arrived.”
       “ They won’t let my cousin dance hula at my grandpa's service.”
       “ Vich of ten cousins is zis?” Poor Kirill, I had two lives and the normal one was the one he was least familiar with.
       “ Shannon is actually my Uncle David’s daughter, so she's one of two, not ten,” I kissed him on the nose when he wrinkled it in confusion. “She’s very sweet and so pretty you just want to slap it off her but I digress. The pastor of the church that my grandparents have been supporting for over thirty years, says it’s against her policy to have hula in the church because, you’ll love this, it’s a dance to the gods.”
       Kirill let out a surprised bark of laughter, making the whole situation almost worth it. His laugh was amazing and more precious to me than my Birkin. I basked in it for a few minutes before he settled down and urged me to continue.
       “ So then she tells my grieving grandmother that she doesn’t want the service to be more than an hour, so Grandma should cut out the video we were going to play of Grandpa talking about his life,” I tensed as I relayed that bit. “What kind of unfeeling bitch tells a widow to cut down the length of the service and then recommends which part to cut? I swear I’m going to bewitch her with excessive body hair in visible places.”
       “ Or you could just send her into Chinatown,” Kirill’s attempt at humor only served to remind me that I had way more issues than my personal ones these days.
       “ What the hell am I going to do?”
       “ I say feed Christians to Tiger Goddess.”
       “ You’re supposed to feed them to the lions,” I tweaked his chin, “it’s tradition.”
       “ Baby,” he kissed me gently, “zese lions don’t vant zem.”
       “ I can’t say I blame you,” I sucked in my breath as he bit into my shoulder.
       “ I prefer vitches,” he growled, “zeir meat is much more tender.”
       “ Are you teasing me?” I rolled with him, landing on top. “It’s not smart to tease your Tima.”
       “ I never tease you,” he lifted his hips enough for me to feel the length of his erection. “My Tima can have vatever she vants.”
       “ I want you,” my voice went serious and he went still beneath me.
       “ You have me.”
       “ For how long?”
       There’d been this tightness in my chest since Trevor had left and it wasn’t just because he’d torn my heart out and tromped all over it. Part of me knew they’d all leave eventually, no one ever stays. Trevor was the one that was supposed to be with me till the day I died, whereupon he’d “follow me across the veil” as he liked to put it. But Trevor had left, so what did that mean? If my steadfast werewolf

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