Layers Crossed
it definitely had the potential to be.
    “So you’re
seeking adventure?” I asked.
    “Yeah, I guess
you could say that. Can you give me that adventure, Cowboy?”
    “Maybe, if you
stop calling me Cowboy.”
    “What’s wrong
with Cowboy?” She rolled her eyes.
    “Please don’t
roll your eyes at me.”
    “Or what?”
    “Or I may need
to force you to close them for long enough not to roll them.”
    “And just how
would you do that?”
    Like a tease,
she rolled them again with a devious smirk. If I couldn’t stop her
from doing that, I’d go nuts. And so I turned my head toward her
and leaned forward. With our noses nearly touching and mouths a
shiver away, her sweet breath was too much and not enough at the
same time, and when she closed her eyes I knew I succeeded, but I
wanted more. Much more. I wanted her lips, her entire mouth, her
tongue – I wanted her everything – and I knew she’d give it to me –
not because she was easy or someone looking for a fling, but
because the attraction between the two of us could no longer be
    Still, I’d
only take as much as she allowed. I wouldn’t push it – because I
couldn’t push her away – ever.
    I touched my
lips to hers, taking them into my mouth, stroking the bow of her
upper lip with my tongue before dipping in. Her mouth was so small
and so warm and she worked it so well, moving her lips with mine. I
tilted her head slightly, holding her steady because if I didn’t, I
was afraid I’d lose my patience. Slowly tracing my hand to her
neck, I held it there, smoothing my thumb over her pulsing vein.
Her skin felt silkier than I expected. And when her tongue moved
against mine, rubbing and teasing, inviting me even deeper, I knew
she had me in the palm of her hand. She could ask me anything, and
I would give her everything.
    When I pulled
away, I pressed my forehead against hers, breathing heavily. This
was not an ordinary kiss. This was pure lust.
    “Will this be
a problem for you, Emma? Me wanting you so badly and being your
client,” I asked.
    “Consider this
a service with a cherry on top. Besides, you’ve kissed one guy,
you’ve kissed them all.” She shrugged and pulled away.
hard to get, I thought.
    I could see
through her lies so easily. Her tiny nose wrinkled up and betrayed
her. And her body language was another story. The way her breasts
swelled when we’d kissed, and the feel of her pumping jugular
underneath my thumb as I traced her neck told me I’d affected her
as much as she’d affected me. And she was still panting. If her
goal was to push me away or seem nonchalant, she’d have to try much
harder than that. As much as she wanted to deny the truth – or
maybe she was afraid of the truth? – she was mine the moment I’d
laid my eyes on her a few nights back.
    “And how many
guys have you kissed, exactly?”

“And have they
kissed you back the way I did?”
    “Why are you
asking all these questions, Cowboy? It was a good kiss, I can’t
deny it. But did it knock me off my feet? Did it make this plane
come down? Nope, still sitting.”
    “Then let me
correct my mistake, my lady.” And I pressed myself to her again,
this time with nearly my full strength, keeping a little back so
that I wouldn’t crush her completely. Devouring her mouth like she
was my life-line, taking every breath from her lungs into mine, I
molded myself into her curves. I pushed a button to recline the
luxurious leather chair, making her lie beneath me, her soft body
writhing under my muscles. And once she was down, I couldn’t help
but feel every luscious curve of her body, sliding my hands up her
sides and along the outline of her breasts. Her hips were in full
motion, grinding against my length. The feel of her pubic bone made
me even harder for her. And her delicious mouth fit in mine so
perfectly, I couldn’t get enough. At that moment, I knew that no
matter how long or how often I kissed Emma, it would never

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