Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2)

Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Unknown

Book: Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
be thankful for.
    He knew he’d probably get a DUI which was never good, but it could have been so much worse. Had he been caught with possession of the drugs or the weapon or had they caught him aiding in smuggling cocaine into the country, he would never have the chance to turn his life around. It was time to do something about his situation. He vowed to himself that when he got back home he would go back to Addicts Anonymous and ask for help from Martin to get back on track. Hell, he’d live with Martin and let him do drug tests every day if that what it took.
    And then, Melanie would come next. He would find her and show her how good he was doing, how much he had improved. He would fall to his knees and beg for a second chance that he didn’t deserve because that’s what he wanted. He wanted a life with Melanie more than he wanted any drug or feeling in the world.

    Melanie felt her anxiety levels rising as Martin closed out the Addicts Anonymous meeting. She knew she had seen Andy come in just before they started. It had been almost a month since she’d seen him, and she could tell he looked worse for the wear. She hated to admit to herself that she was looking at him, that she even still cared. He had put her through a lot of misery, and she wasn’t quite sure she should feel anything good towards a man like that anymore.
    So much had happened to her since the last time she saw Andy. She was sober, for one, but just barely. She had continued to drink for a couple of weeks after she began to attend two AA meetings a week with Martin. Her life had become nothing but improving herself at work and AA meeting with Martin. But somehow it turned out to be the healthiest thing for her.
    She had finally woke up one morning without counting the weeks, the days, the hours her and Andy had been apart. She didn’t need to down a whole bottle of alcohol to forget that she ever had feelings for him and that he ripped her heart in two. It still hurt, but it was more like a scab was beginning to form, but she knew he could easily rip it off.
    Caleb and Irene had been good about checking in on her and thinking of activities that didn’t involve alcohol, though Irene had been mysteriously absent over the last week and a half. Caleb had been at Melanie’s house many times over the past week because of it, complaining about being bored and lonely. She hated to admit that it comforted her that she wasn’t the only one that was feeling that way.
    Melanie had started to feel, though, that she was on the verge of something, something healthy. She hadn’t gotten sober for someone other than herself. She was beginning to stand on her own, and somehow she saw that in a way, her weakness and addiction to Andy might have been part of the problem in their relationship. Maybe she could have a new and healthy relationship with someone soon. It could be Andy, but it could be someone else too. Her contentment was what she’d been enjoying most over the last couple of months alone, learning to be alright with herself.
    Melanie took a deep breath knowing that the world she was slowly building back up for herself was about to change for better or worse.
    She felt a familiar pang in her heart as she turned around to leave and saw him hanging around the door. Her mind went back to thoughts of addiction. Could she really afford to trade one for a living and breathing other? But she knew she had to talk to him at some point. If he were to ever recover he was going to have to make amends anyway, and she wasn’t the type to stand in someone’s way and watch them suffer like that.
    She took a deep breath and began to stride forward, her head held high. She was going for confidence and general concern, trying not to give away any more than platonic signals. Luckily, Martin had beat her to him first. It made her feel more comfortable approaching.
    “Oh, hi, Melanie, I guess you noticed Andy had

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