Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2)

Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Unknown Page A

Book: Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
returned. Well, I bet the two of you have a lot to talk about, so I’ll leave you to it.” Martin smiled and walked off, leaving Melanie blushing and feeling awkward. Martin had basically set them up to be alone like they still had feelings for each other, could still be a couple. She felt like her cover was just totally blown.
    She looked to Andy and saw that he looked even worse up close. He looked much thinner than she remembered, and there were dark circles around his eyes. He looked more like he was going to a Halloween party than an AA meeting or a motorcycle club.
    “Hi,” she said slowly, trying to let him lead the conversation. She couldn’t handle it.
    “Hi, Melanie, can we take a walk?”
    It would be a weird question for a first exchange between two people. It didn’t make a whole lot of sense, but somehow Melanie knew it was the right thing to do. Martin was right, they did have things they had to talk about if only to clear the air.
    So, she nodded and let him lead her outside. She eyeballed his bike which was parked right outside. The familiarity was comforting and yet strange at the same time. She didn’t know if it was okay to have memories on that bike, too long to be on it with him again. She was glad as they skipped over the parking lot and headed across the street to the park. The lamps were all on, lighting it up like a football field on a Friday night, and the grass was perfectly green even in the moonlight.
    “So, how have you been?” She felt silly asking the question, knowing the answer couldn’t be good, but what else was she supposed to say?
    She watched Andy shove his hands in his pockets uncomfortably. “I’ve been better, to be honest,” he chuckled. “Can I be honest with you, actually?” Melanie could feel something coming, something she knew better than to feel excited about. But her heart still had Andy’s name on it. There was nothing she could do about it.
    “Things have been pretty bad since you left. I’d like to spare you the gory details because they just aren’t something I’m proud of or that you need to torture yourself with. I have been trying to rearrange my schedule to get back here, get back on track.”
    “And how is that going?” Melanie was honestly curious, searching for a way in, a reason to forgive him.
    “Well, I feel like shit.” They both laughed knowing full well how true it was. “But I haven’t done blow in about a week now. I know it doesn’t sound like a long time, but for me I think it is.” Melanie nodded at that. She respected his plight.
    Without thinking she reached out and grabbed his hand. It was meant to be a gesture of comfort, of understanding, but it was so much more than that. She felt that same tension she’d felt that first night when they met. It seemed life was circling back again.
    The stars danced in his eyes as an unsure smile played upon his lips. She didn’t want to let go, so she started walking, pulling him along beside her. They stayed silent for a bit with their fingers intertwined before Melanie felt like she was going to burst open at the seams. No matter how risky it was, she had to let him know before it was too late. “I love you,” she announced, a bit too loudly, making Andy stop dead in his tracks.
    He abandoned her hand to wrap his strong arms around her. At least some things hadn’t changed. He still felt like Andy. “Would you like to come home, babe?” She was expecting to hear his profession of love, but the way he asked the question, the way he said “home,” sounded like that’s what he meant. He was implying that she belonged with him. It was like music to her ears.
    They raced to their vehicles like little children, causing cars to honk as they cut across the street. Andy got to his bike first and took off with Melanie driving her car close behind.
    Melanie took Andy in with her eyes and saw the beauty in the broken man. The

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