Revisited (Redemption Series)

Revisited (Redemption Series) by Lindsey Gray

Book: Revisited (Redemption Series) by Lindsey Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsey Gray
much power.” He turned to see her excitement had faded. “No, I’m not saying there is something wrong here, or you are undeserving. You are just such an anomaly to me.”
    “You sure know how to sweet talk a girl.” Becca sat down on the ground with a pout. “I love being called an anomaly, or better yet, an enigma.”
    “This isn’t coming out right.” He plopped down next to her and slipped his arm around her shoulders. “Not much surprises me anymore. Things are fairly predictable in my line of work.” They both chuckled softly. “These past few days, running here and there after you and Lily, have been the liveliest I’ve experienced in a great while.”
    “In that case, I’m thankful our misfortunes, or . . . well . . . fortunes have the pleasure of entertaining you during your dull existence.”
    They both laughed before Peter took her hand. They rested their hands together in his lap for a moment as they took in the beauty of the night sky. “It is pretty late.” 
    “Or fairly early, whichever way you look at it.” Becca played with his fingertips.
    “You’ve had a long day. I’m sure everyone is worried.” Peter removed his arm from around her shoulder and pulled her up to stand with him.
    “I suppose.”
    Peter took a step toward the manor, but halted when Becca grasped his wrist.
    “Thank you for today. For everything.”
    He turned and brought her into a soft hug. “You, my child, are welcome.”
    With each step, the view of the manor became clearer. With each breath, Peter wondered just what was walking beside him.

    Hours had passed and Lily began to worry when there was still no sign of Becca. She waited in the kitchen while the others slept, wondering how difficult it would all be. The cure would work if she could recreate it perfectly, but she was worried that maybe Liam had already created more vampires.
    Lily realized she didn’t know much about the man Liam was before he came to her and begged for eternal life. She grabbed Jefferson’s laptop and began to search on the Internet and found out Liam was the heir to a restaurant dynasty in New York City. He gained control at the age of nineteen when his parents passed away. According to the article, two of his father’s friends ran the day-to-day operations, but Liam was named CEO. She learned that when she turned him, Liam was just twenty-three years old. He was so young, about the same age when she was turned.
    Lily closed the laptop, unable to look any further. The only thing she could think of to make him act so desperately was Gideon’s influence. Somehow, Gideon burrowed his way into Liam’s soul and took hold of the reins. For some reason, Lily just couldn’t believe Liam was a monster.
    “What has you so twisted up this early in the morning?”
    Lily looked up as Becca entered the kitchen with Peter close behind. She rushed with unnatural speed and gathered Becca in her arms.
    “Whoa!” Becca gasped for breath. “I missed you, too. I wasn’t gone that long, was I?”
    “All day and most of the night! Abe and I have been going stir crazy. I had to send him out on an errand . . . he was getting so jumpy.” Lily pulled back, but still held on, her fingers twirling the wet ends of Becca’s hair.
    “Well, we had a lot to do. Then things didn’t go as planned.” Becca sighed and made her way over to the fresh pot of coffee.
    Lily looked at Peter with confusion, and he shrugged his shoulders.
    “I’m not sure what to tell you. She has much more powers than I anticipated. We had to try them all out; make sure she could control them.” He slumped down in a chair at the kitchen table before scrubbing his hands across his face.
    “I thought she would inherit Sam’s power of healing. There’s more?”
    “Much more,” Becca said, pouring a cup of coffee and settling at the table. She waved her arm for Lily to sit with them.
    “Should we be worried?” Lily was a little nervous that Peter seemed so

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