Fiona Frost: Order of the Black Moon

Fiona Frost: Order of the Black Moon by Dr. Bon Blossman

Book: Fiona Frost: Order of the Black Moon by Dr. Bon Blossman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dr. Bon Blossman
was at school in my lab , and then Gerald is spotted there. Two criminals at the high school in one morning — a bit obvious, huh?”
    “No, I don’t think Haley is involved with Gerald Smith, Fiona,” he said, handing my mother the newspaper . “I’m going to see if they have any updates,” h e marched intently towards a cluster of black suits in the foyer.
    “Didn’t get the chance to read the paper this morning, had a faculty meeting,” my mother said.
    She fanned out the pages of the newspaper , put on her reading glasses, and swept her legs onto the loveseat . I looked around the room for Luminal before remembering he was still at the vet. A bout of sadness filled my head like a cloud of smoke. I avoided asking about him for fear of getting more distressing news. I realized if he wasn’t home, and nobody was saying anything, it couldn’t be good.
    “Oh wow, Fiona . Parker Thomas, Sr. died last Wednesday — the story of his estate just came out,” she said in a curious tone.
    “And, who is that ? ” I inquired, not having the slightest idea who she was babbling about.
    “Parker Thomas, Sr. is that millionaire guy from Silver Springs. He is part owner of an NBA team, has jets, mansions , and all kinds of fancy stuff . Well, it appears the sole heir of his estate is none other than Godley Grove High School’s Mr. Parker Thomas, III . He just inherited everything — including over three million dollars cash. C razy, huh? I wonder if he ’ll still teach. ”
    “ The teacher? Yeah, I know Mr. Thomas. He’s friends with Mr. Zuptus, my favorite bio teacher. I think he teaches math, but I’ve never taken hi s class . He teaches ninth grade, I think. Yea h , I w ouldn’t be surprised if he quit .”
    My phone ringer sounded ; I pulled it from my pocket —Detective Chase.
    “ Y ou heard the news?”
    “Certainly, Fiona. You alright? ”
    “Of course, I am. Gerald Smith was just spotted ; I never even saw him. Did you hear about what my cousin Haley did this morning?”
    “Yea h , that was what I was referring to. I’ve already put in a call to the grant administrator. I’ll get this taken care of for you with the superintende nt. I know this was not your fault, although they say she had a key to get into the lab. That’s not good news.”
    “Knew it, I bet she stole my spare. I’ll check my writing desk in a minute. Any updates on the case?”
    “ Yeah, we found out Damien Lee lives next door to the victim ’s trailer at the Lakeside T railer P ark. There have been a few domestic disputes reported by the victim to the police regarding Damien , but no official report was ever filed. Just a bunch of arguments over frivolous things such as a trash can placement, parking, dogs barking and stuff.”
    My mother put her newspaper down and was trying to analyze my conversation with the detective . I found this to be slightly distracting, so I nonchalant ly sauntered towards the kitchen . I’d come back with a bottle of water, and she’d think I was just thirsty.
    “Anything else new?”
    “Well, Victoria Newsted reported Dimitri LeMorte is the leader of the Order of the Black Moon , and Damien was the leader of the House of the Nightmare Army.”
    “And that guy lives with Victoria, right? How old is he?”
    “Mid - forties, but I did get confirmation he is not in a relationship with her mother . But there’s something else. He is a really big creep.”
    “Why do you say that — other than the obvious ? ” I laughed.
    “He was arrested this morning on a traffic warrant we dis covered after running his record . I went to see him in jail to ask him a few follow - up questions from when I spoke to him on Saturday.”
    “He chanted a strange voodoo vampire curse on me and used oils he smuggled in—he wiped them on the jail cell bars. ”
    “You have to be joking, Detective.”
    “That’s not the half of it. You’ve got to see this guy. I’d bet you’ve never seen anybody like

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