Fiona Frost: Order of the Black Moon

Fiona Frost: Order of the Black Moon by Dr. Bon Blossman Page A

Book: Fiona Frost: Order of the Black Moon by Dr. Bon Blossman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dr. Bon Blossman
    “Can’t wait! ”
    “ Let’s set up a meeting tomorrow afternoon after school here at the station. It will be a good time because we’ll have more data to discuss , and it will be after my daily lab meeting with my group. I’ll arrange it with the agent assigned to you.”
    My mind was in a whirlwind and after a few hours of the feds trying to sort out if our family was in imminent danger; I took off to the pink palace in hopes of a decent night’s sleep.

    A thunderclap awoke me, followed by an unrelenting alarm only seconds later. I hated waking up with a startle . It took my heart a while to calm down and the disorientation to subside. S torm y skies had darkened my bedroom ; merciless wind gusts throttled my windows . Gazing at the black clouds in the sky, the pouring rain cloud ed my vision of the front yard , the wind rudely blowing my trees at strange angles .
    Deciding it was best to allow Agent Bronson to drive me, I said goodbye to my car and my corresponding freedom . Dashing through the rain into his Lincoln , I climbed into the passenger’s side, the ambiance relax ing me with the crisp aroma of spicy pine, ultraclean surfaces and soothing , classical music. It was a clear bonus that my assigned black suit was the most handsome adult I had ever put my eyes upon . It was minutes before we pulled up to the front steps.
    “ So, this is what it’s like to take your kids to school, huh? ” he chuckled as I climbed out of the car . “I guess I should tell you to have a good day and to eat your veg gie s at lunch … or something.”
    “ Yeah, something like that,” I laughed and opened my umbrella as lightning struck in the distance , causing me to recoil . Shrugging it off, I laughed, waved goodbye, and jogged towards the front of the school , the wind nearly knocking me off course .
    The clock’s minute hand seemed to spin faster than usual throughout the morning . During a class change in the hallway, I spotted Wolfe s peaking to his new best friend, Camber Johnson . They were growing closer , and Wolfe certainly wasn’t paying attention to me — it was as if I no longer existed in his eyes. With the lab suspended, we were unable to have club meetings at school, so I decided I would schedule one a t my house. That way , I could be around Wolfe and evaluate what was goi ng on between us, if anything.
    I knew it would eventually affect our working relationship if I didn’t g et my head on straight . However, the absence of him in my life certainly wasn’t helping, but rather it was driving me insane . I knew why my parents had w arned me about falling for boys while I was young . T he reason was becoming crystal clear . Glancing at the clock, two minutes until the bell.
    “Fiona,” a familiar raspy voice called out in the hallway.
    I spun around to see the inseparable duo. Willow , dressed in a red wool blazer and khaki slacks , struggled to keep up with Lauren as she sprinted towards me.
    “What’s up Lauren ? Hey Willow. ”
    Lauren, donning a camouflage hat that was restraining her gargantuan, bushy locks , shot a quick stare to Willow , who shrugged her tiny shoulder, raising her eyebrows with a contrite intensity , pushing her blazer sleeves to her elbows.
    “Well, I don’t know how to tell you this, but your trouble - making cousin’s at it again,” she said, adjusting her bac kpack to put a hand on her hip.
    “ Yeah, s he’s a menace! First your lab, and now this! ” Willow squeaked, shaking her head.
    As if on cue, a muffled thunder rumbled . I braced myself, feet apart, trying to sort through the dread that flooded through my head . I was unable to speak until my brain decoded itself. Hearing the words that Haley had done something else was enough to tangle every thought that was dancing inside of my head. I stared at the thin carpet.
    “What did she do ? ” I reluctantly pushed the words out. “Are you talking about how she broke into my lab? Or something

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