The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids)

The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids) by Xara X. Piper;Xanakas Vaughn

Book: The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids) by Xara X. Piper;Xanakas Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Xara X. Piper;Xanakas Vaughn
    put his hand on Ash's forearm and squeezed. "I'm
    just annoyed because so far, this guy is a first-class
    "He's just—"
    "Shy, I know," Carley finished. "So you've said.
    But from everything you've told me, he sounds like
    an asshole. And now he's an asshole who's
    standing you up."
    "He's just running late." Ash took the last
    swallow of the beer he'd been nursing for the last
    "Did he call to tell you that?"
    "Text it?"
    "No," Ash said more forcefully. Carly made his
    'poor baby' face and Ash suppressed a growl.
    "It's okay. Happens to the best of us at least
    Ash checked the time again and dropped the
    phone on the table. "It's never happened to me."
    Carley patted his arm. "Don't worry. We'll find
    you someone better. He'll be sorry he stood you up
    when he sees how happy you are. Oh, look at that
    fresh meat." Carley's gaze was fixed on a man
    standing behind the bar. "I wonder who Demian's
    new friend is. Besides dibs!"
    Ash chuckled, but he agreed. The man was hot
    from what he could see. The wine glasses hanging
    from the rack above the bar blocked his view of
    his face, but everything else was exactly what
    turned Ash on. Dark hair slicked back on the sides
    and pushed forward in a tumble of messy curls in
    front. A tight, black T-shirt and dark jeans hugging
    a long, lean frame. They watched as he ran a finger
    under one of his sleeves to try to loosen it.
    "Jesus," Ash breathed. "Did he borrow those
    clothes from his little brother?"
    "If so, thank you!" Carley said with a tip of his
    bottle. Demian turned and pointed in their
    direction. The man moved to one side to look at
    them, and Ash choked on his own saliva.
    "Fuck. That's him."
    " Him him? Your asshole?"
    Fee smiled and shook Demian's hand before
    walking around the bar and to their table. He
    looked so different from what Ash was used to.
    His glasses were gone and the baggy jeans and
    nerd-centric T-shirt had been replaced by the tight
    clothes clearly outlining every muscle on his body.
    Clunky boots added a few inches to his already tall
    height, and it looked like he was even wearing
    "Sorry I'm late," Fee said, standing at the end of
    their table.
    Ash was too caught up in Fee's new look to
    respond. He'd thought Fee was hot before, but this
    was smoking.
    Fee stood there not saying anything, shifting his
    weight from one foot to the other, until Demian
    walked up behind him and set three beers on the
    "On the house. Thanks for your help, Fee.
    You're a genius."
    Fee looked uncomfortable with the praise, but
    he nodded. "No problem at all. Glad I was here
    early and could help out."
    Carley kicked Ash's leg under the table,
    breaking the spell that seemed to hold him.
    "Help?" Ash asked.
    Demian wrapped an arm around Fee's shoulders
    and pulled him close. Jealousy flared through Ash.
    "Fee was here waiting on you when I came
    storming out of the office yelling about that damn
    computer again. He offered to take a look, and we
    kind of lost track of time while he got me up."
    Ash felt a rumbling through his body and was
    shocked to realize it was a growl that had come
    from him. Everyone looked at him, and he coughed
    to cover it. "He got you up?"
    "Can I be next?" Carley asked. Ash glared at
    him before he looked up at Fee. Fee was blushing
    and staring down at his boots.
    Demian shook his head. "You perv. Seriously,
    Fee. Think about my offer," he said with a pat to
    Fee's back before he left.
    "Offer?" Ash asked.
    "He needs a little IT help. That's all."
    I'll bet, Ash thought.
    "So, you're Fee? I'm Carley." Carley stuck his
    hand out, and when Fee took it, he pulled Fee
    down to sit next to him. He scooted his chair
    closer to Fee. "I've heard a lot about you."
    Fee nodded and pulled his arms in close to his
    body. "Felipe Navarro."
    Carley couldn't seem to take a hint, Ash thought.
    He leaned in close to Fee, not noticing, or more
    likely ignoring, how Fee inched away as Carley

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