Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1)

Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) by Tiffany Flowers

Book: Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) by Tiffany Flowers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Flowers
to get the trees to help me stop them, then I flashed us here.”
    He looks at me like I’m crazy. “You did what?”
    “I know it sounds crazy. I will give you all the details and show you after we get Derrick fixed up.”
    Neeko sends guards out to check the area, and calls more Immortals into the room Derrick is already coming around.
    “Will he be alright?”
    “Yes, baby, he will be just fine. They just knocked him out.”
    He instructs them to take Derrick off to the hospital wing. I collapse into Neeko’s arms. The adrenaline from the fight was long gone and was replaced by sore muscles and tiredness.
    “Can we go lay down, Neeko? I don’t want to be alone.” I blink back tears that have suddenly appeared. I feared for mine and Derrick’s lives. Now that’s it’s all over, it’s hitting me pretty hard.
    “Yeah, come on, baby.” He bends down and picks me up. I lay my head on his shoulder and snuggle up to his neck. “I haven’t spent enough time with you lately.”
    He walks us to our room and gently lays me down on the bed. The instant our bodies are not touching, I feel hollow, like I am missing a piece of myself.  He slides into bed and I snuggle as close to him as I can. I just need to feel him against me, and all the thoughts and details of the day disappear. He is the only thing that remains. I have fallen in love with this man and now I can’t live without him. I breathe in his scent and relax. It doesn’t take me long before I am asleep.

    I wake up still snuggled in Neeko’s arms. He didn’t leave me. A warm feeling spreads throughout my body. I peek up at him and smile. “Well, hello, beautiful. I was getting worried you would sleep the day away.”
    “Sorry... I must have used a lot of energy yesterday.”
    “Yeah, I have got to see this. Plus, we need to check on Derrick.”
    “Oh my... How is he?”
    “I heard he was awake and asking about you. You two have gotten close. Maybe too close.”
    “Oh, Neeko. It’s not like that. He is like a big brother to me.”
    “He better be. I would hate to have to kill him. He is my best friend and most trusted ally.”
    We walk down to the hospital wing, which is really tiny. It should not be called a wing. We walk into the tiny room and Derrick is nowhere to be seen. Neeko walks over to what looks like a nurse and asks where he went. “He went to go see about the demons.”
    “I sent my best men out there but, of course, Derrick would want to go check for himself.”
    “Should he be up and moving so soon?”
    “Yeah. He is Immortal. He was fine when you brought him to the library. They just wanted to check him to make sure the demons didn’t poison him. Demon blood is poisonous to us. We are not sure if it’s the angel blood, the demigod blood, or a combination of both. Listen, I am going to go get him. I don’t want you out there.”
    “Ok, but bring him back here”
    Neeko walks off. Maybe I should have gone with him. The demons could still be out there. I pace the floor until they come back. They walk in the door, laughing.
    “Well, look who it is. Apparently, you saved my life with some magic trees?” He crinkles up his forehead and laughs.
    “Ha, ha. Joke’s on you. It was my magic. When you’re up to it, I’ll show you.”
    He smiles and starts walking to the door. “Well, let’s go.”
    “You’re not ready to go yet! You just fought demons!”
    “I’m not human. I am just fine. Quit stalling and let’s go.”
    “Fine.” I huff and fold my arms across my chest dramatically.

Chapter 12: Agrokinesis


    W e walk outside and to the edge of the woods. “Show me.” Derrick bows and gestures to the trees.
    I close my eyes and focus. They are going to make fun of me if I can’t do this. I let all the times Derrick has picked on me run through my head, giving me the ammo I need. I whisper into the wind. I hear Derrick start yelling, “What the hell?!” I open my eyes to

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