Love Him to Death

Love Him to Death by Tanya Landman

Book: Love Him to Death by Tanya Landman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tanya Landman
wasting our time here,” he said to me, looking over to the balcony. “Have you thought about how we can get back up to your room?”
    Angelica rose from the bed and drifted like a sleepwalker out through the French windows and onto the balcony.
    “Graham!” I beckoned him over to the door so we could talk without disturbing her. “All this time we’ve thought she’s mad. But what if she isn’t? Suppose she’s been telling the truth?”
    “What do you mean?” he asked.
    “She keeps saying Bill loves her. I think she’s right!”
    Graham shook his head incredulously. “That can’t be true. Bill married Josie. He wrote her that song.”
    “Did he? Are we sure of that? Think of all those other song titles, Graham – the ones from years back. Were
written for Angelica? “ My One, My Only”
, “
All Time and For Ever”
, “
You Won’t Never Need No One But Me”
, “
I’m Yours, You’re Mine, End of Story”
Add them together – don’t they sound a bit menacing? A bit obsessive? And the Christmas hit – “ He Ain’t the One for You” – what was that all about? And then “ Ain’t No Escaping My Love ”? He’s starting to sound like a stalker!”
    Graham looked completely unconvinced, but by now I was bowling along like a runaway train.
    “You know, when I read those newspapers I thought there was something a bit funny about those phrases Angelica’s friends trotted out. They sounded like cheesy song lyrics – which is just how Bill speaks. All these people who were supposed to be so angry that they wouldn’t come to Bill’s wedding – why aren’t they looking after Angelica? That’s what friends are for, isn’t it? How come they can talk to the newspapers but they can’t talk to her? I reckon they don’t exist. I bet Bill planted those stories to make people think Angelica was going mad. And it worked, too.
thinks she’s crazy. Including you,” I finished accusingly.
    We glanced over at Angelica. She was leaning on the parapet, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers, swaying and humming tunelessly to herself. Even I had to admit she looked pretty loopy.
    “It’s the bluebells, Graham. They flower in the spring. She was heartbroken, sure, but that picture has to have been taken at least a month before Bill met Josie. So whatever upset her then, it wasn’t Bill leaving her.”
    Graham frowned. “If you’re correct about the flowers – and I’m sure that with your horticultural expertise you are – it’s very significant. And yet I don’t understand. You say Bill loves Angelica. And Angelica clearly loves Bill. So why did he marry Josie?”
Angelica love him, though? She just said everybody loves him but her.”
    “She’s insane!” exclaimed Graham. “You heard what she said to Ruby. She was clearly still devoted to him.”
    I remembered Angelica’s outburst the night we arrived. That cracked, dry sob. “I want him back. But I can’t. Never, never, never…” There was no doubting the depth of her feelings. And yet…”
    “OK. But suppose she wasn’t talking about Bill? That song title – “ He Ain’t the One for You”. What if she’d fallen in love with another man!”
    “But who?”
    “Who else died, Graham?” I demanded, slapping my hand against the wall. “We were right – the motive for the murders
jealousy. We just got the wrong culprit.”
    All the photographs of Bill and Angelica I’d seen in the newspapers flashed through my head like a slideshow. Bill standing next to Angelica, staring sullenly into the camera. I’d thought it was because he’d lost interest in his wife, but maybe he was seething with emotion. Just behind him had stood a man. I’d assumed it was a bodyguard, but it could easily have been Bill’s PA, Mick. Angelica, her face full of love. Suppose Angelica wasn’t looking adoringly up at Bill, but smiling over his shoulder at the person behind him? Bill’s right-hand man – who might

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