Die Once Live Twice

Die Once Live Twice by Lawrence Dorr

Book: Die Once Live Twice by Lawrence Dorr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lawrence Dorr
leaned over to him, “Captain, you’re fine. You have a very special visitor. Look!”
    Patrick focused on Katherine’s face. “Katherine? Is it....?”
    “Yes, Patrick. It’s me!” Katherine leaned to him again, hugging his upper body. Speechless, she held him tightly and then kissed him passionately on his lips. It was six months since they had been together at his father’s funeral. They had spent a week together, making love every night. She was actually surprised she hadn’t gotten pregnant, despite her precautions.
    Katherine took his hand, smiling with real joy at being with him. “Well, having seen the other barracks, I must say this is nicer,” Katherine said.
    “Yes.” He gazed lovingly at her, then looked away. “It is not so bad, sometimes.”
    “Did the Army let you know I was coming?”
    “They told me, and I have told everyone you were coming.” Suddenly they became aware of all the nearby patients looking at them. “All my roommates have been waiting to see you. You see, everyone,” he yelled out. “She’s here. I told you how beautiful she is.” There was a chorus of “Pleased to meet you” and then the men all joined in shouting, “Hip, Hip, Hooray” to Katherine.
    She turned red slightly, but then smiled and said to Patrick, “I guess I should be flattered. That is, I am. I can see how proud you are of me.”
    “We all can attest to that, ma’am,” Abel said heartily. “We can’t get him to stop talking about you.”
    Patrick looked questioningly and then said, “Katherine Lovington, this is Abel Johnson. He lost an arm in the Wilderness, but he doesn’t let it get him down.”
    “Yep, I’m still able,” Abel said, and looked steadily at Katherine.
    Katherine, realizing something was expected of her, turned to Patrick for help. “Yes, our Abel is still able,” Patrick said, and laughed a little too heartily. Katherine’s mouth made a little O and she laughed, too. Patrick nodded at Abel and saluted. “That will be all for now, lieutenant.” Abel saluted and lay back.
    Patrick turned to Katherine, looking serious. “I am thrilled you are here, but your traveling worries me. You shouldn’t be traveling in this part of the country. The rebels have been retreating south after being routed at Gettysburg. They are taking it out on anyone they can find. Especially women. It’s disgusting what they do. And that’s before they kill them. Some are horribly maimed.”
    “I was safe, Patrick. I came here in a military train and I’m being escorted in the city by the Army. You know our company is making uniforms and essentially giving them to the Army, so they show us every courtesy. They told me this was the best hospital for you and arranged almost private nursing for you. Is your care good?”
    “Oh yes, oh yes,” Patrick said hurriedly. “The best.” He looked nervous for a minute and then quickly said, “Your trip was okay, then?”
    “I couldn’t wait any longer to see you. Letters just aren’t enough.” She raised her head and looked him in the eye. “I’ve missed you every second of every minute for six months.”
    Patrick relaxed and a smile etched his sunken face. The jut of his handsome jaw returned. Katherine guessed that he had lost at least twenty pounds since she had last seen him and his customary vigor seemed drained out of him. “I’m primarily worried about your well-being, my darling,” she went on. “I have confidence you’ll heal from the gunshot wound, but there’s a cholera outbreak in the city and that’s more dangerous. Do not drink any water that is not boiled.”
    “I don’t think we boil water. Why do that?”
    “It kills the germination of cholera and typhoid. We do it at Penn Hospital. These diseases kill more soldiers than guns. I’m going to tell your nurse to boil all the water for this ward. I’m here for three days so I’ll be sure they make that change.”
    “I’m sure Patricia will do

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