The Caves of Steel

The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov

Book: The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isaac Asimov
    “Yes,” said R. Daneel. “We are more flexible, naturally. At least in this respect. We can be designed for adaptation to an Earthly life. By being built into a particularly close similarity to the human externals,we could be accepted by Earthmen and allowed a closer view of their life.”
    “And you yourself—” began Baley in sudden enlightenment.
    “Am just such a robot. For a year, Dr. Sarton had been working upon the design and construction of such robots. I was the first of his robots and so far the only one. Unfortunately, my education is not yet complete. I have been hurried into my role prematurely as a result of the murder.”
    “Then not all Spacer robots are like you? I mean, some look more like robots and less like humans. Right?”
    “Why, naturally. The outward appearance is dependent on a robot’s function. My own function requires a very manlike appearance, and I have it. Others are different, although all are humanoid. Certainly they are more humanoid than the distressingly primitive models I saw at the shoe counter. Are all your robots like that?”
    “More or less,” said Baley. “You don’t approve?”
    “Of course not. It is difficult to accept a gross parody of the human form as an intellectual equal. Can your factories do no better?”
    “I’m sure they can, Daneel. I think we just prefer to know when we’re dealing with a robot and when we’re not.” He stared directly into the robot’s eyes as he said that. They were bright and moist, as a human’s would be, but it seemed to Baley that their gaze was steady and did not flicker slightly from point to point as a man’s would.
    R. Daneel said, “I am hopeful that in time I will grow to understand that point of view.”
    For a moment, Baley thought there was sarcasm in the sentence, then dismissed the possibility.
    “In any case,” said R. Daneel, “Dr. Sarton saw clearly the fact that it was a case for C/Fe.”
    “See fee? What’s that?”
    “Just the chemical symbols for the elements carbon and iron, Elijah. Carbon is the basis of human life and iron of robot life. It becomes easy to speak of C/Fe when you wish to express a culture that combines the best of the two on an equal but parallel basis.”
    “See fee. Do you write it with a hyphen? Or how?”
    “No, Elijah. A diagonal line between the two is the accepted way. It symbolizes neither one nor the other, but a mixture of the two, without priority.”
    Against his will, Baley found himself interested. Formal education on Earth included virtually no information on Outer World history or sociology after the Great Rebellion that made them independent of the mother planet. The popular book-film romances, to be sure, had their stock Outer World characters: the visiting tycoon, choleric and eccentric; the beautiful heiress, invariably smitten by the Earthman’s charms and drowning disdain in love; the arrogant Spacer rival, wicked and forever beaten. These were worthless pictures, since they denied even the most elementary and well-known truths: that Spacers never entered Cities and Spacer women virtually never visited Earth.
    For the first time in his life, Baley was stirred by an odd curiosity. What was Spacer life really like?
    He brought his mind back to the issue at hand with something of an effort. He said, “I think I get what you’re driving at. Your Dr. Sarton was attacking the problem of Earth’s conversion to C/Fe from a new and promising angle. Our conservative groups or Medievalists, as they call themselves, were perturbed. They were afraid he might succeed. So they killedhim. That’s the motivation that makes it an organized plot and not an isolated outrage. Right?”
    “I would put it about like that, Elijah. Yes.”
    Baley whistled thoughtfully under his breath. His long fingers tapped lightly against the table. Then he shook his head. “It won’t wash. It won’t wash at all.”
    “Pardon me. I do not understand you.”
    “I’m trying

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