Chasing Soma

Chasing Soma by Amy Robyn Page A

Book: Chasing Soma by Amy Robyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Robyn
hair from my scalp. I didn’t feel any pain over the pain I was feeling in my heart. I didn’t stop until I reached the stream, where I collapsed down on the bank and covered my face with my hands. I couldn’t hear, due to my ears still ringing and I could barely see through all my tears. I had no idea I wasn’t alone until two sets of arms wrapped around me. I look up to see the boys that live on either side of my grandmother.
    The boys are two years older than me so they never had much to do with me. Yet, here they both are lending me their shoulder in my time of turmoil. I will never forget how they sat there patting my back, without asking questions. They just supported me as though they really cared. How could they when they barely know me? I remember thinking but it did not keep me from dampening their shirts with my tears. That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship that has meant everything to me.

Chapter 2. 15 years old. Step
    I have feelings for my best friend. The girl I have protected and cared for since I was ten years old. Why am I feeling this way? I know that my body has been going haywire lately but every time she leans in to me lately my cock hardens painfully. I can’t stop staring at her lips and wondering what they taste like. Her beautiful strawberry blonde hair and her large green eyes had always made me feel protective. Now, they make me want her in a way I have only just begun to understand.
    What is worse is that I think Trevor, my other best friend in our trio, is feeling the same damn way. I have caught him staring at her longingly. Trevor is the good looking one. He has all the girls chasing him and yet he pays them no mind. He only has eyes for Sammy. We want the same woman. Worse, our best friend who is two years younger. She isn’t even in high school with us yet.
    I do not want this to ruin the friendship we have. It has meant everything to me. I live with my father who drinks too much and goes long periods without remembering he even has a son to take care of. If it wasn’t for Sammy’s grandmother I would have starved. She fed me many times when my father would be on one of his benders. Yet another reason why I should avoid getting into a relationship with her. I wouldn’t want to disappoint her grandmother.
    I asked Trevor to meet me at the stream. I want to talk to him about what is happening. I fear that I will lose one or the other if we do not stop and discuss things. I do not want to lose either of them. Trevor and I have been friends since we were five. Both of our parents were neglectful but his at least kept a fully stocked fridge. He would sneak me food after he found me staring in his window one morning as he ate his cereal.
    I didn’t have the pride then to turn down a meal. I was starving. I think I would have taken a beating to have food and that is saying a lot. Thankfully Trevor was good to me and brought me food often until we met Sammy and her grandmother who thought I was far too skinny and in need of fattening up. I owe so much to my friends and that keeps me from starting anything with Sammy.
    I see Trevor at the stream. It is too cold this time of year for any kind of wading or fishing so he is skipping stones and seems to be deep in thought. I wonder if his dilemma is the same as mine. I am sure it has to be. I wonder if he is feeling the same way as I am about Sammy. I know the looks I have seen him giving her glances full of longing but I wonder if it is with the same intensity.
    His thick black hair is overly long right now because of course his parents can’t be bothered to take him for a haircut. I am surprised Sammy’s grandma hasn’t cut it herself yet. She usually does when she sees our neglect. She is all of our grandmothers even though we aren’t related by blood. You can’t choose who you are related to but you can choose who you surround yourself with. She is a good woman.
    Trevor looks up at me with his almond shaped, sky blue eyes.

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