A Gypsy Song (The Eye of the Crystal Ball - The Wolfboy Chronicles)

A Gypsy Song (The Eye of the Crystal Ball - The Wolfboy Chronicles) by Willow Rose

Book: A Gypsy Song (The Eye of the Crystal Ball - The Wolfboy Chronicles) by Willow Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Willow Rose
looked at her with surprise.
    “You really don’t know who you are, do you?”
    Sara shook her head. “No.”
    He took a few steps and stood by her side. Then he kneeled in front of her. He removed some of her hair from her cheek and put it behind her ear.
    “You are going to be the greatest sorceress to ever have lived. You are the only one who is powerful enough to fight and save your people, the whole world, from going to the hands of the demon Azinehr.”
    Sara looked at him and shook her head.
    “I don't believe you”
    ”But it is the truth. That is what the prophesy says. That one day a sorceress mighty enough to match Azinehr will be born out of the Romani people.”
    “I have never heard of a prophesy like that. I don’t believe in that kind of thing.”
    He took in a deep breath and looked at her with a smile.
    “Listen, I know it is lot to take in right now. But you must begin to realize what you are. Who you are.”
    “And what are you, then? I could never do what you just did.”
    “What I did was nothing compared to what you are going to be able to do one day. All I can do is create things with fire. Your powers are so much stronger. But you have to believe that you are the one I say you are. You can’t be a good sorceress without believing it.”
    “Do you believe that I am … that? Do you believe that prophesy?”
    Manolo smiled widely. He had a beautiful smile, she thought.
    “I believe in you. I saw what you did to the cage they put me in, remember?”
    “All I can do is move stuff when I get mad. I can’t even control it.”
    “You have so little faith,” Manolo said and got up from the floor. He reached his hand out so Sara could grab it.
    She hesitated.
    “Do you trust me?” he asked.
    She stared at him, still a bit overwhelmed by this sudden change in their relationship.
    “Well do you?” he asked again.
    She grabbed his hand reluctantly and he helped her back on her feet.
    “I take that as a yes,” he said.


    The air felt fresher than ever when Sara and Manolo finally stepped outside the cave again. Manolo had guided them to the exit and now they stood in a valley surrounded by high pointy mountains and steep slopes. The valley was enclosed and the only way out was a narrow passage at the other end, Manolo told her.
    In front of them was a forest of large pine trees.
    “We have to cross that to get to the passage at the other end,” Manolo said, pointing.
    “What are we waiting for?” Sara asked and took a step closer to the forest.
    As they walked closer, the pine trees seemed to grow into the sky, and as they entered the forest, it was like the sunlight disappeared, as if someone had switched a button somewhere and turned it off.
    Darkness was wrapped around them.
    Luckily, Manolo still had his torch. He blew on it with a quick blow and it lit on fire. Sara was impressed. Then they started walking on the soft forest soil of needles fallen from the trees.
    The forest seemed to become alive as they walked through it, taking one careful step at the time. Everywhere they went something creaked or shrieked. Small squirrels, beavers, big black birds in the trees, an owl that stared at them, a bush that would shake as they passed it.
    At one point Sara, got the feeling that someone was right behind her, staring at her and she turned around. But nothing was there. She stopped for a second and listened. Waiting for whatever was behind them to reveal itself.
    Manolo stopped, too, and looked at her.
    “Why did you stop?”
    “I thought I heard something,” Sara said. She took a couple of steps in the direction of where she sensed someone was watching her.. She looked around her and behind a tree. Manolo brought the torch and helped her see. But nothing was there. Then she heard another sound. It came from a bush. She lifted the lower branches, and a mouse stared at her with huge eyes.
    Manolo laughed.
    “Come on, let’s move on.

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