A Life Worth Fighting

A Life Worth Fighting by Brenda Kennedy Page B

Book: A Life Worth Fighting by Brenda Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Kennedy
Tags: Suspense, Romance, love, Boxing, intense action
the bag, “Glitter.”
    I look at Raelynn and then look up at Emma.
    Emma mouths, “Sorry,” before I look back to Raelynn.
    “This is perfect. Thank you. I don’t think we have glitter,” I say honestly.
    “Everything is better with glitter,” Raelynn says.
    “Would you mind putting it on the table for me?”
    Raelynn skips off and places the different colors of glitter on the arts and crafts table.
    “I’m sorry, she wanted to contribute something and it was glitter,” Emma apologizes.
    “That’s fine, it’s the one thing that I didn’t think to get. How are you and the baby?”
    Emma beams and says, “Great, the baby is getting so big. It’s hard to believe he’s already two months old.”
    “Wow, we need to get together so I can see him.”
    “Anytime, we spend a lot of time at home since Jackson’s birth.”
    “How’s James?”
    “Good, he’s home with Alec and the baby. I asked him to come, but he didn’t want to leave his baby brother.”
    “Tell him and Alec I said hi and kiss the baby for me.”
    “I will.”
    Jo makes finger sandwiches and snacks for the kids. Mom and Margie make gift bags and Bethany and I divide the art supplies evenly among the different tables. Emma and Brooke arrange the plates and cups on the food table. The bell over the door rings and in walks Gus’ wife, Dove, carrying a large camera. She is the reporter, and I am excited to see her.
    “Hi,” I say as I walk over and greet her warmly.
    “I heard about the poster contest you are doing for Brooke Jamison’s books and I thought it would make a great story. I hope it’s okay that I’m here on business.”
    “No, it’s fine. Gus told me you would be here,” I say.
    “I’m afraid it won’t be much of a story for you or the newspaper,” Brooke says as she walks over and I introduce her to Dove.
    “What I would like to do is follow the events up to the book signing. Record the progress of an independent author and your success,” Dove says.
    “I don’t mean to sound rude, but do you think this is newsworthy?” Brooke asks. “There are so many other stories out there.”
    “The success of a hometown author. This is huge news. Everyone wants to see one of our own make it big. I think you’ll be surprised at how big this will be for you. You have tons of people supporting you already. Do you have time for an interview?”
    Brooke looks down at her jeans and t-shirt. “I came here to help out. If I had known I would be interviewed, I would have worn something more presentable.”
    “This is perfect,” Dove says, “you look like one of us. An ordinary girl, doing extraordinary things. Readers will love it. You are almost like a rock star and you don’t even know it.”
    Dove holds up her camera and says, “Let me get a picture of the two of you.”
    We pose for a few pictures before people start coming in and the shop fills up with parents and their kids. Raelynn’s mom, Molly, comes and helps out. She also has a camera and a basket of bubbles and sidewalk chalk for the children. Angel and Mason come with their twins, who are now walking. The kids are too young to color, but Mason and Angel are here for moral support. I text Robert throughout the day so he feels like he is still a part of it. Brooke’s husband, Brice, and her two sons, Braden and Briley, also come. Dove mingles with the crowd and snaps tons of pictures. The kids color, paste, glue, add glitter, and paint on the poster boards, trying to make the best one. Some are serious artists and some aren’t. Some try to eat the crayons . The food is a huge success as are the gift bags. Some kids are outside, writing on the sidewalk with the chalk, and some are blowing bubbles. Mason has the twins outside on their stroller; Mason is blowing bubbles at them. I can almost hear their laughter through the picture window. Molly is sitting at the bistro table, watching and monitoring the children.
    The food and coffee were free today for the

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