A Most Shocking Revelation

A Most Shocking Revelation by Kristi Gold

Book: A Most Shocking Revelation by Kristi Gold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristi Gold
steel. “As I told one of your deputies, I was at home. You can ask the pizza delivery man.”
    â€œAnyone else see you after he left?”
    A flash of hostility clouded her eyes, but she kept her tone even when she said, “Why? Am I a suspect?”
    The number-one suspect, as far as Gavin was concerned. “When it comes to a murder case, everyone’s a suspect.”
    â€œDoes that include Valerie Raines?”
    Now where in the hell had that come from? “You know I can’t reveal any details, but is there any reason why she would be?”
    â€œBecause Malcolm told me she threatened him once in the diner.”
    â€œThreatened him?”
    â€œYes, with a fork. I believe he might have asked her out on a date. I told him he should steer clear of her, but for some reason she fascinated him. There is absolutely no accounting for taste.”
    â€œAre you sure he didn’t do more than ask her out?”
    She shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I doubt whatever he might have done warranted a threat. However, I suspect Ms. Raines has quite a temper. She just manages to hide it well.”
    Gavin had seen a hint of that temper, but he honestly didn’t believe she would take someone’s life. “I think you have her pegged wrong.”
    She sent him a devious smile. “Why don’t you question her about it? It’s my understanding she’s living with you.”
    Damn the small-town grapevine. “Well, Gretchen, like you said, you can’t always believe everything you hear.”
    â€œHere you go, Sheriff,” Abe said, prompting Gavin to turn.
    â€œOnly a couple of pieces, but you might have Miss Raines come down and put in a forwarding address so nothing gets lost. Or you could do it since it’s your address.”
    Damn. “Thanks, Abe. I’m in a hurry right now.”
    â€œI suppose you can believe what you hear,” Gretchen said from behind him.
    Talk about bad timing, Gavin thought as he faced her again. “Just helping out a friend, Gretchen. That’s all.”
    Her eyes went as cold as the ice forming on the window. “Ofcourse. Whatever you say. But I wouldn’t trust that waitress any farther than I could toss her.”
    And Gavin didn’t trust Gretchen Halifax any farther than he could hurl his thousand-acre spread. “Have a nice evening, Gretchen. And one more thing.”
    She cocked her head and leveled a hard stare on him. “What would that be?”
    â€œDon’t leave town anytime soon.”
    Without waiting for a response, Gavin pushed out the door and back into the frigid conditions. The sound of a revving engine turned his focus to the street and an approaching car. His dad’s car, to be exact. And behind the wheel, a waving waitress who obviously possessed a lead foot. At least she’d slowed when she passed.
    Tonight he would have to give Val a mild scolding for speeding, if only for the sake of her safety. And no doubt about it, he planned to give her a long, long kiss.
    â€œSomething smells real good.”
    Valerie looked up from the stove to discover Gavin hanging his hat and his coat on the hook by the back door. Her heart immediately started the confounded fluttering, as if she’d consumed several shots of potent espresso or Manny’s morning coffee.
    She gave the pot a stir, then covered it again without turning around. “It’s chicken and dumplings, my grandmother’s recipe. I went to the store today and picked up a few things after you left.”
    â€œSo that’s where you’d been when you came flying into town.”
    She looked back to catch his grin. “I wasn’t flying.” Just speeding a little. After pulling the hot pads from her hands, she faced him. “I wanted to get home to start dinner so you wouldn’t have to wait. Plus, the weather was starting to look kind of shaky. I didn’t want to get caught out in

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