A Piggly Wiggly Christmas

A Piggly Wiggly Christmas by Robert Dalby

Book: A Piggly Wiggly Christmas by Robert Dalby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Dalby
certain you’ll be pleased with the very special role we’ve created for you.”

    It was a few minutes past the third cocktail onion, and Lady Roth was still trying to digest everything she’d just been told. Since Laurie was the one who’d been appointed the official messenger, it was she who was now handling Lady Roth’s reaction with kid gloves.
    “I just remembered how pleased you were to portray Susan B. Anthony during the recent mayoral election,” Laurie was saying. “No one could have done it better—your historically accurate costume and demeanor were dead-on. It was a role played to perfection and with passion to boot. As a result, I truly think you got the women of Second Creek excited about taking part in the process. Think of this new assignment in the same vein. I’m sure you’ll be an inspiration to everyone.”
    “That’s all well and good,” Lady Roth answered, staring down into the bottom of her empty Gibson glass as if she had just received a “bad news” telegram. “But the fact remains that I shall not be singing during this caroling event. That is what you just said to me, isn’t it?”
    “Yes, I did say that. But in this case, I believe silence is golden. What could be more dramatic than you portraying the Star of Bethlehem on the widow’s walk atop the courthouse? As a practical matter, you’d be too high up for your voice to be heard, but everyone in and all around The Square below will see you. We’ll have a special spotlight rigged up for you on one of the balconies across the way. You’re certain to be the center of attention throughout the entire event.”
    There was a hopeful pause from Lady Roth during which her wrinkled features softened somewhat. “But what sort of costume shall I design? How on earth do you make someone resemble the Star of Bethlehem? Susan B. Anthony was nothing in comparison to this. I simply went to the library and Lovita Grubbs helped me look her up.”
    Laurie had rehearsed every possible response with her Powell standing in as Lady Roth and had her reply at the ready. “After some consideration, our idea to suggest to you was a long, flowing dress made of a heavy white fabric of some kind. Floor-length with lots of folds and perhaps gold sequins for accents. You’ll want to keep warm up there if the weather isn’t cooperating. And then we envisioned some sort of brilliant gold headgear in the shape of a star. Lightweight, of course. We don’t want you losing your balance and tumbling over the railing up there. We want you portraying a star, not a comet.”
    “Are you implying I am unsteady on my feet? I know I have a touch of arthritis, but I get around quite handily, I’ll have you know. I’ve never taken a pratfall in my entire life.”
    Gaylie Girl cheerfully chimed in. “That was the last thing on our minds, we can assure you. Think of what everyone will be saying about you, Lady Roth. What dedication to the spirit of the season to portray such a glorious symbol atop the greatest of Second Creek’s buildings! You’ll be towering over everything—keeping watch over your flock just as the shepherds once did on that eventful night long ago!”
    An even longer pause suggested that Lady Roth might finally be buying into the scheme. But, no, another objection. “Suppose it’s not just cold? Suppose we’re having one of our unpredictable Second Creek storms?”
    This time it was Powell who spoke up with a conspiratorial expression on his face. “In that case, all bets are off anyway. We’d have to cancel the event, God forbid. But for anything short of that, you’ll put on your trusty long johns beneath that dress. No one will ever be the wiser. And since when has a veteran Second Creeker like yourself ever allowed the weather to keep her from her appointed rounds?”
    There were hopeful smiles all around the table, and Lady Roth quickly responded. “I have to admit this is just the sort of unforgettable moment I’ve always tried

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