A Pitying of Doves

A Pitying of Doves by Steve Burrows

Book: A Pitying of Doves by Steve Burrows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steve Burrows
aviary. We hardly have very much in common, after all. The ultimate goal of the Free to Fly program is to ensure wild birds remain exactly that. Other than the Turtledoves Phoebe Hunter kept for her research purposes, we cage birds only so they can recover from injuries or other trauma and be released back into the wild. Luisa Obregón is a collector, nothing more. People like that are interested only in possessions. It could be cars, watches, wine,” continued Pritchard. “In Luisa Obregón’s case, it happens to be birds.”
    Lindy noticed that Dom was paying particular attention. Mention possessions and you were halfway toward a motive for murder.
    â€œThe rumour was that there was a shopping list,” continued Pritchard. “Luisa Obregón let it be known that she would be interested in acquiring any of the species on it. Beyond that, I know nothing about her. Nor do I particularly wish to.”
    Jejeune used the awkward silence that followed Pritchard’s comments to offer his thanks one more time. The promised trip to her studio hadn’t materialized, and Lindy was under no illusions that it would now. She and Domenic climbed into the Ranger Rover and drove off, leaving their hostess staring out at the now empty mudflats and the coming storm.
    The Beast had negotiated most of the rutted drive before Lindy broke the silence. “Blimey, Dom. You don’t want to get on the wrong side of that one. From Miss Congeniality to Madame Defarge in the blink of a mascara-less eye. And if she can get that kind of a hate on for a woman she barely knows, can you imagine what she’d be like if she had a genuine reason for disliking somebody?” Like a manipulative twenty-four-year-old post-graduate competitor for David Nyce’s affections, for example , Lindy didn’t say. She didn’t need to. She knew a detective as bright as Domenic was perfectly capable of getting there all by himself.

    â€œA nd if you could avoid dropping us in it with the DCS this time, it would be greatly appreciated.” Tony Holland set a mug of tea on Salter’s desk and resumed his seat without further eye contact.
    â€œIt’s a lead, Tony. Can I help it if Obregón was a bloody Mexican?” As much as anything, Salter was annoyed about the way Holland was carrying on, as if he had understood the situation all along, when really, until Maik had walked them both through the potential ramifications of Salter’s announcement, Tony Holland had been as clueless about the whole thing as she was.
    Jejeune had already left the incident room by the time Danny Maik delivered his considered wisdom on the subject; the sergeant clearly not deeming it necessary to include the inspector in his explanation. “It’s got a nasty feel to it, looking at other Mexicans, especially before we’ve even explored any other leads. Like we’re suggesting this is a problem between foreigners, and we’d rather wash our hands of it.” Maik spread his hands. “At least, the DCS is concerned that’s how the Mexican Consulate will see it, if it gets back to them.”
    And so, by the time Shepherd returned from her lunch at The Boatman’s Arms to deliver her fire and brimstone state of the union, pointing out that, while they may indeed follow the Obregón link, they would have to tread very carefully indeed, or risk this blowing up into a major diplomatic incident, Tony was already nodding knowingly as if to say, I’m glad somebody is finally pointing out the facts of life to this poor naïf sitting beside me . And when the time came for the DCS to conclude her address by driving home her point with her customary sledgehammer subtlety that there was to be no discussion about Mexican suspects within earshot of the public, the media, or other interested parties, for which please read Mr. Guy Trueman , she didn’t need to say, the suitably chastened Constable Salter

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