A Question of Impropriety

A Question of Impropriety by Michelle Styles Page A

Book: A Question of Impropriety by Michelle Styles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Styles
to ask him why he had gone into the haberdashery. It was not the sort of place she assumed he would frequent. French modistes maybe, if he was out fit ting a mistress, but a simple haberdashery, never. ‘It is one of the worst of my faults. I spent far too long at the Greys’. And the Ortners’.’
    â€˜One can be so busy noticing one’s faults that one forgets to notice one’s virtues, Miss Clare.’
    She tilted her head to one side and prepared to sweep out of the shop with dignity. ‘You turn a phrase very charmingly.’
    â€˜Sometimes, the truth is charming.’
    â€˜I prefer my truth to be unvarnished, without adornment. It is an irritating habit, I am told, but it has held me in good stead these past five years.’
    â€˜Or merely pre vented you from living?’ His eyes slowly assessed her. ‘I see you have abandoned your cap. It makes you look years younger. I must congratulate you. Now,perhaps, you will consider wearing a more becoming colour.’
    â€˜My life is quite full enough, Lord Coltonby, and I have not yet had the time to repair my cap. I have no need to be made into an enthusiasm, a project to amuse your days. A pleasant attempt, but I know how quickly enthusiasms fade.’
    â€˜You truly do not believe in the veracity of that statement.’
    â€˜It is what keeps the ton fashionable and exclusive. You have to know which is the right tailor, or the correct box at the theatre, which authors to read and which are beyond mentioning. The dances and figures change constantly.’
    He blocked her way. ‘I ask to be judged on my own merit, Miss Clare, not some poor unfortunate’s. It is a small request.’
    Diana’s cheeks grew hot. It pained her that he was correct. She had been judging him based on someone else. ‘There are books waiting for me at the library. I received a note this morning.’
    â€˜Minerva Press? Another novel by the author of Pride and Prejudice? What excites your fancy today, Miss Clare?’
    â€˜Improving tomes on agriculture and crop rotation,’ Diana replied in a crushing tone.
    â€˜Why do you feel the need to avoid novels? To keep from driving off the road?’ He arched a brow. ‘I would have thought putting them in a basket behind you would have sufficed.’
    â€˜You are an aggravating man.’
    â€˜I do but try.’ He inclined his head. ‘You pique my interest, Miss Clare. Will you truly take out an improving tome?’
    She started towards the library and he fitted his stepswith hers. Rather than create more of a scene, Diana ignored him. The librarian gave a nod as Diana headed for the stacks. Randomly she picked up a manual on agriculture and the need for efficient crop rotation. ‘You see—an improving tome.’
    â€˜I never doubted it, and that one is particularly dry.’
    â€˜You have read it?’ She stared at him. ‘Crop rotation?’
    â€˜I do my research. It makes for an easier life.’ He took the book from her and placed it back in the stacks, standing so close she could see the precise folds of his neck cloth.
    She nodded to several library patrons who stopped to acknowledge her. She had thought that Lord Coltonby would make his excuses and depart, but he continued to stand at her elbow, surveying the variety of books. A silent sentinel. ‘Are you going to the Bolts’ ball? Or do such things frighten you?’
    The unexpectedness of the question made her blink and nearly drop the book of sermons. ‘I think it is best if I choose my books now. We are beginning to be remarked upon.’
    â€˜Clearly something you wish to avoid—which is why you made remarks while visiting this morning.’
    â€˜How did you know?’ Diana closed her eyes and the full horror washed over her. How people—and Lord Coltonby—must be laughing at her and her pretensions. ‘I had forgotten how quickly rumours can

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