A Question of Impropriety

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Book: A Question of Impropriety by Michelle Styles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Styles
pass from lip to lip. Can I assure you, Lord Coltonby, that I merely wanted to protect an innocent. You are not and never have been the marrying kind. Women who wish to marry should be wary of you.’
    â€˜But you have no wish to marry. Does this mean you are not wary of me?’ His eyes gleamed. ‘What an interesting proposition, Miss Clare.’
    â€˜That is not what I meant, and you know it,’ Diana saidin a furious under tone. ‘Certain things have been taken out of context. I merely sought to put a stop to gossip. I do prefer the truth.’
    â€˜The truth has many guises, Miss Clare.’
    â€˜It was wrong of me.’ Diana swallowed hard. ‘But I simply had to say something. Otherwise certain women might have given your words and actions a different connotation. I have no wish to see any young girl ruined for the sake of a few pie-crust promises.’
    She kept her head high and hoped he would understand.
    â€˜You appear to have already made your decision, Miss Clare.’ He moved a step closer to her, reaching behind her to pluck a volume from the shelf, his hand skimming her bonnet. ‘I am only trying to understand our positions, and to make sure that the rules of engagement are precise.’
    â€˜You make it seem like a battle.’
    â€˜Oh, it bears some similarities.’ His eyes became hooded. ‘Certain campaigns must be planned strategically and all eventualities considered.’
    â€˜I know your reputation, Lord Coltonby. Your many seductions. I am simply trying to avoid having in no cents seduced.’ She gave a little laugh and moved away from him.
    â€˜You do me a great honour, but I assure you I am human. My exploits have been exaggerated. I have never dallied with an unwilling lady.’
    She stared at him in astonishment. She found that she wanted to believe him, that his exploits were not as bad as they had been painted. She wanted to trust her instincts, but they had failed her so miserably before. She could not risk it.
    â€˜This is hardly the sort of the conversation one has in a library.’
    â€˜I am always open to suggestions, Miss Clare.’ His voice was as smooth as silk, reasonable, as if it were she who had proposed something outrageous. The cheek of the man!
    â€˜Lord Coltonby, you are being outrageous. Deliberately!’
    â€˜No, I am enjoying our conversation and wish to prolong it.’ He lifted his eyebrow. ‘Would you please explain your objections to this? We are near neighbours.’
    Diana tapped a finger against a book of sermons on the shelf. ‘And when I do, will you leave me alone?’
    â€˜If I consider them valid, of course. I am a reasonable man.’
    Diana gestured about her as the rational objections seemed to have completely drained from her mind and the only thing she could think about was the way his long fingers held the books he had chosen. ‘For one we are in a library.’
    â€˜That can be remedied, presuming you have discovered all the improving books on agriculture that you need. Reading should be a pleasurable experience, Miss Clare. Why do you close yourself off to such things? If you cannot enjoy your reading, why read?’
    â€˜The sort of easy words I’d expect from a member of the Jehu club.’ Diana shook her head slightly; it seemed to be growing lighter with every breath she took. The only thing that appeared to be keeping her on the ground was the book of sermons currently pressed against her chest.
    â€˜And it does not matter how tightly you hug that book, or how many times you repair your cap, life will still happen to you.’
    â€˜I am not afraid of life.’ Her voice rose sharply. ‘Can I help it if I am wary of your reputation?’
    â€˜And if I promise to be on my best behaviour?’ His voice lapped at her being. ‘Will you then continue thisconversation? I did so want to hear more of your views on my estate and what

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