A Spicy Secret

A Spicy Secret by D. Savannah George Page A

Book: A Spicy Secret by D. Savannah George Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. Savannah George
Tags: Fiction, Mystery
should we start your lessons? I have plenty of yarn I can give you, or you can buy some at A Stitch in Time. Mary Beth is giving a 10 percent discount to anyone buying supplies for the project.”
    “Well, what are you doing this weekend?” Ian asked. “I thought you might want to go back to Sweet Nell’s with me. It’s been awhile since we’ve been there, and I had a lot of fun that time we went.”
    Annie felt herself blushing. There could be no doubt that going to Sweet Nell’s, a karaoke restaurant in a former tire shop located halfway between Stony Point and Wiscasset, would be a date. She decided to revert to her Texas sorority girl accent. She picked up a napkin and began fanning herself.
    “Why, Mr. Ian Butler, are you asking li’l ole me to go on a date with you?”
    “Mrs. Dawson, I believe that is my spoken intention, yes.”
    “Bless your heart, Mr. Butler,” she said, fanning more frantically. “I shall have to check my busy social schedule and get back to you.”
    “Please do that, if you don’t mind,” he said, grinning slyly. “You could give me my first crochet lesson before we go.”
    Peggy came by and handed Annie a brown paper bag. She gave her a huge smile when she noticed the older woman’s slightly red face.
    “Here’s that sandwich, Annie. And thanks again, so much, Mr. Mayor. You both have a nice day, OK?”
    “You too, Peggy. See you next week, if not sooner!” Annie replied.
    Annie and Ian argued over the check for a few minutes, but Annie finally gave in.
    “Consider it payment for the crochet lessons,” he said. “I’ve got to get back to Town Hall. See you this weekend.”
    Annie sat at the table for a few minutes after he left, collecting her thoughts.
    Peggy stopped by once more, a half-full pot of coffee in one hand.
    “Let me guess. Our mayor asked you on a date,” she said.
    “How could you tell?” Annie asked, surprised.
    “Easy. Your face is red, and you flapping that napkin about is a dead giveaway. And anyway, everyone knows you and Ian are sweet on each other.”
    “We are both too old for that kind of nonsense. He’s a very kind man and a dear friend. That’s all,” she replied.
    “Yes, I’m sure that’s it. You’re just friends.” Peggy grinned.
    After a moment, Annie admitted, “OK, I guess it is actually a date. He wants us to go back to Sweet Nell’s. We went there once before. And he agreed to let me give him his first crochet lesson that night.”
    “So that’s what they’re calling it now—crochet lessons,” Peggy teased. “Sweet Nell’s is so much fun! Wally and I haven’t been in forever. It’s hard to find a babysitter.”
    “I’d be happy to watch Emily anytime,” Annie said. “Just let me know when. But of course it can’t be this weekend.”
    “Of course not!” Peggy smiled. “And we might just take you up on your offer.”
    She gave Annie a hug and then added, “Kate and Mary Beth are gonna be so happy when you tell them about Ian!”
    When Annie re-entered A Stitch in Time, Mary Beth was nowhere to be seen, while Kate was helping a customer with pattern books.
    “Annie, how’d your errands go?” Alice called, stuffing her crochet work in her tote. “Did you remember my sandwich? I’m starved!”
    Mary Beth walked out of the back room, sat in her favorite chair, and picked up her knitting.
    “Sure did,” Annie said, handing the bag over. Alice promptly opened it and drew out the sandwich, cut in half and wrapped in waxed paper, a bag of chips, and a saran-wrapped brownie.
    “Hey! I didn’t get a brownie with my lunch!” Annie said.
    “I guess whoever put this together likes me more than they like you,” Alice said, unwrapping the sandwich and taking a big bite. “I know I said I wanted to take this home, but I can’t wait. I’m so hungry I could eat yarn.”
    Annie walked over to the coat rack and began the process of removing her scarf, hat, gloves, and coat. The worst part of winter, she

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