A Strict Seduction
straight, the knees locked tight so that every muscle and sinew was stretched tight. Her snow-white panties were pulled tightly between her thighs, deep between her rounded bottom cheeks. The darkness between her thighs was unmistakable, the outline of her sex clearly visible.
    â€˜I’m going to smack you six times,’ he said, his voice trembling. ‘I don’t want you to scream or cry. If you do I’ll punish you for that as well. Is that clear?’
    â€˜Yes,’ she said, her voice as nervous as his. ‘Yes, sir,’ she added, twisting round to look at him, her eyes sparkling with fear and excitement.
    Stephen hesitated, eyeing her lovely long legs and beautiful rear. He reached over to the desk, to the photograph of happy laughing children, and turned it over.
    The first smack echoed in the room, a sharp sound of flesh on flesh. Marianne moaned softly, her hands pressed hard onto the desk, her eyes half closed. Stephen waited a second then smacked her again, a hard slap on the other buttock. He stopped to admire the imprint of his fingers, marked deep red on the soft white flesh of Marianne’s backside.
    â€˜Does it hurt?’ he asked softly.
    â€˜Yes, it stings horribly,’ she replied quietly, her eyes still half closed. She was breathing hard, though Stephen couldn’t tell how she was reacting; her feelings were closed off from him, obscured by her silence and her half closed eyes.
    He spanked her again, two quick strokes in rapid succession. Each time she tensed and then exhaled slowly, the breath escaping from her glossy red lips like a sigh.
    â€˜Oh, it stings. It’s like a fire spreading…’ she whispered, as if talking to herself, telling herself what it was like.
    Stephen’s prick was hard, throbbing. Marianne’s beautifully punished backside was the most erotic thing he had ever seen. He wanted to stop and touch her, to slip his fingers under her panties, to part her buttocks and stroke her there, to press a finger between the inviting lips of her sex.
    Marianne moaned again. She was opening and closing her eyes slowly, breathing hard and deep, almost gasping for breath. He saw that her panties were damp, and that the wet heat was spreading. The look on her face seemed to hover between pleasure and pain, her lips parted, half smiling, half scowling. He smacked her again, a hard stroke directly between her gorgeous arse cheeks.
    â€˜Oh Jesus…’ she moaned, her body tensing momentarily, her eyes flaring open. Another hard smack in the same place and she cried out, an animal cry that could only be interpreted in one way. She had climaxed powerfully, the heat from her reddened backside spreading deep into her sex.
    â€˜Don’t move,’ Stephen ordered sharply, stepping away from her.
    Marianne opened her eyes and twisted round to look at him, but he had retreated to the back of the office. He poured himself a drink from the glass cabinet and then turned back to her. He could see that her skin was patterned red with his finger marks, that even the white panties couldn’t obscure the evidence of punishment. But it hadn’t been enough. She had found pleasure in the pain, joy in her punishment and finally release.
    â€˜Don’t move, not until it’s over,’ he warned.
    â€˜Yes sir,’ she responded, so softly that he hardly heard her. He downed his drink and then stripped off quickly. It wasn’t what she was expecting, but then neither had he expected her to climax while he spanked her.
    â€˜Quiet!’ he snapped, banging the bottle of whisky down in front of her. ‘You haven’t been very honest with me,’ he said grimly.
    â€˜I don’t know what you…’
    â€˜Quiet! Now I’m going to punish you properly.’
    Marianne screamed when the heavy leather belt fell across her buttocks. She tried to move away but he held her in place and beat her again

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