A Whispered Darkness
back down on my senses. “Nothing. Some ranting words. Not much emotion.”
    “See?” Grant spread his hands. “He’s a psychopath. I rest my case.”
    “Or he has a natural block.” I rolled my eyes at Grant’s dramatics. “Some people can keep me out. Just because you don’t like him, it doesn’t make him a serial killer.”
    “Close enough,” he muttered.
    I stood. “Let’s go in. There’s a brownie with my name on it.”
    Grant brushed off his pants. “If he touches you again, I’m going to open a can of whoop-ass on him.”
    Warmth spread through me, and tears burned my eyes for a moment. “Thanks. But it isn’t going to happen again. Besides, he’s got about three inches and sixty pounds on you.”
    I hugged him. “You’re pretty awesome for being such a butthead, you know.”
    He grinned and pretended to polish his nails on his shirt. “Yeah, I know.”

Chapter Eleven
    Haven waited for me outside the school the next morning. Concern wrinkled his forehead as he snagged my elbow and pulled me to the side. I motioned Grant on, and he nodded after waving a greeting to Haven. For whatever reason, my brother really approved of him.
    “Are you okay?”
    Confused, I tilted my head. “What? Why?”
    He glanced around us. It was early, so there weren’t too many people at school yet. Even so, as one of the few passed by, I saw a new level of curiosity and wariness in the glance she shot me. Dread churned in my stomach, and I barely stopped myself from clutching Haven’s hands.
    “What’s wrong, Haven?”
    “Bryan and I had a chat this morning.” His jaw tightened. “I’m sorry. This is my fault. If I’d kept my distance, you wouldn’t have gotten caught in the middle of this. He’s taking out his frustrations with me on you.”
    I sighed and ran a hand over my face. In less than thirty seconds, I felt ten years older. “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”
    Haven shifted, adjusting his book bag and shook his head. “No. You don’t have to be nice. It’d be better if you’d go ahead and yell at me.” He stared over my head, looking at something I couldn’t see. He added, in a voice so soft I almost missed it, “You are caught up in so much, and you don’t even know it.”
    Irritation pricked my temper. “Which part are you referring to?”
    He glanced back down at me, surprise on his face.
    “The part where your cousin is scaring me? Or the part where my family is a mess and living in a seriously freaky haunted house? Or maybe, all the creepy secrets implied about you and your cousin?”
    Haven jerked as if I’d struck him, then his features went blank and stiff. “So you’ve heard about Melanie, have you?”
    “Yes.” I hadn’t heard a name, but I figured it was a safe assumption we were talking about the girl who disappeared.
    Despite the blank, emotionless façade, I saw hurt flash in his eyes. I didn’t really understand why. I hadn’t accused him of anything. He looked at me, and I met his gaze without fear. For several seconds, we stood like that, until I had the strangest feeling there was a connection between us.
    I blinked and looked away. Even so, there seemed to be a connection in me, joining us, and I didn’t like the sensation.
    Clearing his throat, he held out one hand. “I think you and I need to ditch school today.”
    The world paused for a moment. “What?”
    I’d never missed a day on purpose in my life. Even when at my worst. “There’s a test in Mr. Larsen’s class today.”
    Haven smirked. “Chicken?”
    “It’ll ruin my perfect attendance,” I said.
    He laughed. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”
    My decision wasn’t as hard to make as it should have been. He waited, but I think he already knew what I’d pick.
    “All right. But I have to call Grant and tell him.”
    “I’ll wait over here,” he said.
    He moved several yards away while I pulled out my cell phone. I punched Grant’s speed dial and

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