This London Love

This London Love by Clare Lydon

Book: This London Love by Clare Lydon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clare Lydon
were dividing up the flowers to give to various friends and family.
    “You want this one?” Mum said, holding up a bunch of lilies to Vicky.
    Kate could tell Vicky was still sulking, but Mum was either ignoring it or was oblivious. After a lifetime of Vicky’s sulks, her mum had probably learned how to tune them out.
    Vicky shrugged. “Sure, I’ll take it. And I’ve got to go soon, the boys need picking up.” Only she didn’t move. Instead, Vicky sighed and turned to Maureen. “So, Mum.”
    Maureen turned to her daughter.
    “That man you were talking to today — who was he, an old friend?” Vicky really tried to keep the edge out of her voice, but didn’t quite manage it.
    There was a definite twinkle in Maureen’s eye as she replied. “Which man?” she asked. “I spoke to a lot of men today. Was it Uncle Derek?”
    “I know what Uncle Derek looks like.” Vicky paused. “No, the one I mean had silver hair, beige jacket — you were talking to him for quite a while.” Vicky was staring at their mum and holding her breath.
    Kate had to admit she was, too.
    Maureen waved a hand through the air. “Oh, him. Yes, I had a lovely chat with him — Lawrence was his name. He’s a colleague of Mike’s, worked at the same place for years. Had so many lovely things to say about your uncle.” Maureen stuttered. “He was a true gentleman.” And then her cheeks coloured crimson and she was rumbled. “I’m actually seeing him again next week. He’s asked me to go with him to see that exhibit at the Tate, and then dinner afterwards. Gave me his card and everything.” Maureen looked down at her kitchen table, then back up.
    “So I’m… I’m going. On a date. With Lawrence. What do you think?”
    Maureen’s face lit up as she told them the news and Kate couldn’t help but reflect that happiness right back. She risked a sideways glance at Vicky, but couldn’t quite make out her response. Kate walked around the table and embraced her mum in a tight hug, feeling her warmth and familiar smell as she did so.
    “I think that’s brilliant, Mum — I really do. Pulling at a funeral is quite some feat.” Kate smiled as she stepped back.
    Maureen reached up and kissed Kate on the cheek, brushing a thumb across the spot straight afterwards as she always did.
    They both turned to Vicky, whose face was blank, her eyes giving nothing away.
    “And what do you think?” Maureen asked finally, tired of waiting for a response.
    Kate could see Vicky weighing up her options, but she wasn’t sure which one her sister was going to plump for.
    They didn’t have to wait long.
    “Terrific.” Vicky’s voice was flat, her words hollow. She whipped her head round, picked up the nearest bunch of flowers and walked round to kiss her mum, then Kate. “Gotta dash. Say bye to Viv and Derek for me.”
    And with that, Vicky and her red dress walked out of the kitchen. Moments later, Kate and her mum heard the front door slam.
    Maureen gave an audible sigh.
    Kate put an arm around her. “I wouldn’t worry — Vicky’s not good with change, she needs time to process.” She squeezed her mum’s shoulder and kissed the top of her head.
    “I’m not marrying him,” Maureen replied. “I’m just going on a date.” She shook her head. “She’s always been a drama queen, that one.”
    “True enough.”
    “And it wasn’t what I expected to happen today. I mean, who gets a date at a funeral?” Maureen laughed as she said it. “But Mike’s death has made me think that it might be nice to find someone to share things with. Is that so bad?”
    Kate shook her head. “No, it’s not bad at all.”

    Tuesday morning and Dawn met Kate at the coffee machine.
    “Can you believe we drink this stuff everyday? I dread to think what it’s doing to our insides.”
    “Best not to think about it,” Kate said.
    “Can you follow me for a chat?” Dawn didn’t wait for an answer. She was wearing a

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