About Last Night...
    Behind the closed shower curtain, Janine held her breath as he rummaged on the vanity for what seemed like an eternity.
    Finally she moved the curtain aside mere inches to peer out. He was leaning inside the room, stretching his arm across the
    counter, but unable to reach the bright orange box at the far end.
    "I said you could come in," she repeated, although grateful for his attempt at discretion.
    Wordlessly, he stepped into the room to grab the box, then caught her gaze in the mirror.
    For a few seconds, they were frozen in place. An erotic tingle skipped across her skin, sending chills over her shoulders and
    knees—the only part of her not submerged in the bubble bath. Even fully dressed, the man emitted a powerful sexual energy that
    spoke to her. His hands, his arms, his shoulders, his face—all of him radiated a strength and masculinity that stirred her insides
    in the most confounding way, which might explain why her normal levelheadedness had abandoned her, and clumsiness had
    taken its place.
    "Found it," he said suddenly with a tight smile, holding up the box.
    "Good," she said inanely, supremely aware that only a paper-thin curtain shielded her nudity from his eyes.
    "Um, the doctor and the general manager of the hotel are here," he said, nodding toward the door. His grin was unexpected.
    "You might want to keep it down, or at least come up with a new song."
    Her cheeks warmed and she returned a sheepish smile. "I didn't realize anyone could hear me."
    "They want to know if you're feeling okay."
    She nodded, suddenly wanting the other men to leave and wanting their conversation to continue. "Has the quarantine been
    "Nope. Looks like we're stuck here together for the day."
    An unbidden thrill zipped through her. She studied Derek's face for his reaction to the news, but his expression remained
    unreadable, although he began to tap the box of medication against his other hand.
    "Guess we'll have to make the best of it," he added lightly.
    Her breasts tightened and she curled her fingers into such a tight fist, her nails bit into her palm. Could he hear her heart
    Suddenly he straightened. "I'd better get back to the doctor and the manager."
    "I'll be out soon," she felt compelled to murmur as he headed toward the door.
    He hesitated, his hand on the doorknob. "Take your time," he said, although his voice sounded hoarse.
    When the door closed behind him, Janine leaned back against the smooth surface of the tub and allowed a pressing smile to
    emerge. Sliding deeper into the water, she ran her hands over her body. She raised her right leg and watched the suds drip from
    the end of her bright pink-polished toe. Without too much difficulty she could imagine Derek facing her on the other end of the
    tub, naked and slippery, their legs entwined. She lazily lowered her toe to the shiny chrome faucet and outlined the square
    opening. Feeling uncharacteristically wanton, she cupped her breasts, reveling in the textures—silky smooth and achingly hard.
    Long-denied sensations seized her, and she gave in to the lull of the warm bubbling water. After a moment's hesitation, she
    closed her eyes and slipped a washcloth to the apex of her thighs.
    Holding it from corner to corner, she drew the wet nubby cloth over the folds of her flesh, sighing as tremors delivered
    wonderful, quivering sensations to her extremities. This was how she wanted him to touch her, with gentle, firm strokes,
    knowing when to take his time and … and … and … when to speed up. She pressed her lips together to stifle the moans of
    pleasure that vibrated in the back of her throat. As the waves of release diminished, she sank farther into the luxuriously warm
    water to enjoy the lingering hum. Oh, Derek…

    * * *
Derek tore his gaze from the closed bathroom door and tried to concentrate on the doctor's words. The only part of Janine he'd
    seen was her face, surrounded by hunks of wet blond hair, but with little

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