Abram's Daughters 03 The Sacrifice

Abram's Daughters 03 The Sacrifice by Unknown

Book: Abram's Daughters 03 The Sacrifice by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
enough for one country doctor,
    Li ;\\r sometimes worried about his frequent lethargy. Even
    I lie liad much to teach anyone interested in medicine.
    I I k-nry's need to extend himself to new blood coming up
    I the ranks surely had something to do with his sons' lack of
    Iricsi in the medical profession Derek having chosen a
    IIIicr's life and Robert, more recently, the Lord's work. She
    1* almost certain Robert's abrupt fork in the road had
    lei u-i I I lenry more than he realized.
    I "Any hope oftterek getting leave time for Christmas?"
    m asked, changing the subject.
    I "I I I'll have off two weeks, I would presume."
    I "I lave you written him lately?"
    I "I did a week ago," said Henry.
    I ( iihhI, she thought. Her husband was keeping in touch
    lli ilu'ir younger son in spite of Derek's stubborn silence.
    I I Icnry shook his head and reached for his coffee. "Deep
    W11, our boy does have a beating heart."
    I 8hr was glad to hear this from Henry's lips and watched
    w\v thank his coffee. Slowly she finished off her carrot cake
    I *- s s f- i f- f- I t r l r f i" I *" i" ' r ^ ir^F""88s
    and ice cream. If only Henry might consent to go with her to church, even a single time, she believed the pockets of stress under his eyes might soften and the spring in his step might return.
    Hannah could scarcely wait to show Mary Ruth the letter from Grasshopper Level. They were already in their cotton nightgowns, each having brushed the other's hair, when Hannah asked her twin to "guess who'd written."
    Mary Ruth shrugged. "I'm too tired to care, really." She slipped under the sheet and snuggled into bed.
    "Well, listen to this," Hannah said. "It's a letter from our j
    cousin Rebekah Mast!" ]
    "What?" i
    "I saved it till just now." j
    Hopping out of bed, Mary Ruth hurried to peer over Han- j
    nah's shoulder. "Quick, read it to me." j
    Dear Cousin Hannah, i
    This is the last letter I'm planning to send to you! I haven't i even told Kiamma I'm writing, but you need to know she's i awful peeved you and Mary Ruth would come here. We don't need no pies and no letters, neither, from you Ebersols.
    If I sound upset, I am. After all, your sister Leah got our brother Jonas shunned by talking him into joining church over there in your neck of the woods. I won't say everything that's on my mind, but we wish to goodness he'd never laid eyes on --,
    her! }
    Please don't bother to answer this letter. We have nothing i89 H L^neCjacrifice
    I im -.icv U) each other. Only one good thing came out of this
    tiirjul mess Sadie andjonas have found some true happiness
    mil iiv.st. That's all I best be saying.
    I So long,
    I Rebekah Mast
    I "VtV 11, I declare!" Mary Ruth said a bit too loudly.
    I "SIill! You'll wake up the whole house." Hannah shoved
    My Iriirr into the envelope and stuffed it in her drawer.
    IVCIimi ;i horrible cousin."
    I "Vnii can say that again." Looking mighty gloomy now,
    why Ruth headed back to her side of the bed.
    "I didn't think Rebekah had it in her to be so rude."
    I lYhiry Ruth pulled up the sheet and muttered, "No doubt r< I- y's echoing what Cousins Fannie and Peter are sayin' and iliinl' in),' 'bout us."
    I liiMiiuh put out the oil lamp on the dresser and crawled mi. i lied. "I knew she was bossy and liked to talk a big talk, I'in i his . . ." She almost wished she'd never bothered to open 'li' i uvolope, especially not at night. Now the cutting words
    Id encircle her thoughts, and she needed her sleep. i .-'How she planned to help Leah mow all the yards i <, hick, and side then burn the week's trash. That alone
    - ' ! I I ;ike nearly the whole morning.
    I 'oii'i worry yourself over Becky Mast," said Mary Ruth, i 11iii|,' over and stroking her hand. "Just consider the
    |.ili, I s'pose."
    II icy lay quietly for a time; then Mary Ruth spoke again. A i mi I izzie and I will be canning quarts and quarts of pickles
    oi_ e w i s
    tomorrow. Who's gonna look after Lydiann?"
    Hannah shared with her what she planned to do, laughing a

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