Abuud: the One-Eyed God
got to Niki's mansion, Arik dismounted long enough to swing the gate open and then rode to the front door. He dismounted again and walked up the steps while trying to appear calm. He banged on the door and waited impatiently, wondering if Niki would even see him when she found out who was knocking. After what felt like an eternity, the door slowly opened.
    "Arik!" exclaimed Niki. "What are you doing here?"
    "I thought I would visit," smiled Arik. "May I come in?"
    "Certainly," frowned Niki. "I don't know what happened to the servants tonight. This is so embarrassing. Your first visit to me, the next councilor of Tagaret, and I can't even find a servant to answer the door. I shall have to have them severely punished tomorrow."
    "Let's not dwell on the servants," suggested Arik as he slipped through the door and Prince Midge took to the air. "Niki, I heard some very disturbing news tonight. Your life is in danger."
    "My life?" laughed Niki as she led the way to the sitting room. "You could not be further from the truth. Everyone in Tagaret loves me. Tomorrow is the day I have been waiting for. Tomorrow they will choose me to fill a vacancy on the Council."
    "They do not intend on letting you live until tomorrow," Arik persisted.
    "How would you know what they will do, fisherboy?" spat Niki. "You are just jealous that I am finally taking my rightful place in society. I thought you were coming to pay your respects to me, but I can see now that you just cannot stand the thought of me as queen."
    "Niki, I know we have not always seen things in the same light," protested Arik, "but this is serious. We were just passing through Tagaret when we heard about the plot on your life. That is why I am here. Evidently someone doesn't want you to take that seat tomorrow."
    "I think it is time for you to leave now," growled Niki as she stormed around the room. "I will not have you spoiling the greatest time of my life. Everyone in Tagaret loves me. There is not one soul in this city that would even think of hurting me. Even if they did, my magic would destroy them."
    Arik felt Midge land on his collar and wondered how he managed to bring Tedi back so quickly. It took only a moment for Arik to realize that it was not Midge.
    "This is Glori," a small voice said in Arik's ear. "I am the watcher for this house. Somebody is coming."
    Arik drew his sword and moved behind the door. Niki was still stomping around the room when a black shape slid through the doorway. Niki turned and stared at the assassin as he withdrew a throwing dagger from his belt.
    "Who are you?" she demanded. "How dare you enter this house without my permission. Is he with you, Arik? Arik? What are you doing hiding behind the door, Arik?"
    The assassin whirled towards Arik, and Arik slammed the door into him. The assassin tumbled to the floor and his dagger slid along the floor until it hit the wall. Arik raced over and put the tip of his sword to the assassin's throat.
    "Who sent you?" demanded Arik.
    Niki raced over and pushed Arik away from the assassin.
    "What are you doing?" she screamed. "Have you gone crazy? If you two want to fight then do it outside. I will not have you spilling blood on my fine floors."
    The assassin leaped to his feet and scrambled for the dagger. Arik knew he could not reach the assassin in time. He rushed over to Niki and shoved her toward the wall just as the assassin let fly his dagger. The blade bit deeply into the wall just inches from Niki, and the dagger sang as it vibrated. Arik rushed the assassin as the black-clad man was going for his sword. The swords crossed and Arik used his considerable strength to push the assassin backwards. As the assassin smashed into the wall, Arik's sword sliced into the man's midsection. The assassin fell to his knees and then died. Niki was screaming hysterically as her eyes focused on the still-vibrating dagger, which was only inches from her head. Arik wiped his blade and slid it back into its sheath as he

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