AC05 - Death Mask
Bet there are loads of other causes.’
    Others agreed. ‘My grandma says there didn’t used to be cheese in a can or even the Internet or … or cell phones. Maybe any of them’s the reason.’
    Anya was surprised at how unworldly some of these men were, despite having attended college.
    Anya raised her hands.
    ‘I’m not here to judge you, just to give you the most up-to-date information.’
    Anya let that sink in, then checked her watch. It was time for a break.
    The emcee stepped forward. ‘Let’s take fifteen. And don’t go wandering off. Bathrooms, drinks and snacks are all just outside.’
    By the speed with which the ballroom evacuated, Anya would have thought someone had shouted ‘fire’.
    For the sake of the men’s present and future partners, she hoped some of her message had got through. If not, these men’s prestige and attraction to women could end up costing them their lives, one way or another.

    A nya switched off her mike and loaded the study DVD of dramatised sexual assaults into her computer.
    Ethan Rye leant on the presentation table, hands in his jeans pockets. ‘Please tell me that first slide was computer-generated.’
    ‘Wish I could. You have to remind yourself that’s a person, with a family and friends.’
    ‘Speaking of friends, someone’s just arrived who is keen to meet you.’
    Anya could not wait to meet the woman she would be speaking with next. She left her computer and headed out the first set of double doors. By the coffee table stood Linda Gatby, recognisable from the photo in her textbook.
    Taller than Anya had imagined, Linda was wearing a pale blue suit, cream blouse and sensible heels. The colour near her face complemented her blonde hair and pale blue eyes.
    She greeted Anya with a hug. ‘It is so good to meet you in person. It feels like we’ve been friends for years!’
    The warmth of the assistant district attorney took Anya by surprise. She had always been professional and courteous in correspondence. According to reports, she was often criticised by defence lawyers for being cold. Then again, that was how the media liked to portray powerful women, and Lindawas responsible for setting up a separate unit within the New York Police Department to investigate and prosecute sexual crimes.
    ‘Thanks for your kind recommendation,’ Anya mustered.
    Linda pulled back, still holding Anya by the elbows. ‘You have helped me out so many times with your opinions, I didn’t hesitate when Catcher asked me to be involved and if I knew you. Besides, how else could I get us in the same city?’
    She smiled broadly.
    ‘Catcher?’ Anya wondered.
    Ethan raised his index finger. ‘That would be me.’
    ‘Anything to do with JD Salinger?’
    He sounded genuinely impressed. ‘Most people think I played baseball.’
    He headed for a long table surrounded by players. Presumably this was where the food could be found. A waitress with a tray of hot finger food didn’t get close to the table before being relieved of her bounty.
    Linda helped herself to a coffee, and Anya opted for tea. They stood apart from the others to speak in private.
    ‘I’m late because an incident took place last night in a nearby hotel. There’s reason to believe some of the players here participated in a gang-rape. I’d like your opinion on the exam findings of the victim, a young woman called Kirsten Byrne, when you get a chance.’
    Anya looked at the group. ‘How is the victim?’
    ‘Pretty traumatised. Problem is, she didn’t report it immediately. I only just got the call. Emergency have done a rape kit, but she’d showered first and rubbed her skin raw with some kind of scourer.’
    Anya felt for the woman. Wanting to wash off any reminder of the attack was one of the most common reactions to rape. She wondered how much forensic evidence had been destroyed in the process.
    Anya glanced around at the group eating, laughing and drinking cans of sugary caffeine drinks as if they were

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