
Affliction by S. W. Frank

Book: Affliction by S. W. Frank Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. W. Frank
debate on the subject why the Torah does not mention such places. In Judaism our only equivalent is Gehenna. The consensus among rabbis is the Torah’s focus on the here and now is intentional. The majority believe the reason ties directly to the Israelites exodus from Egypt after their release from bondage.”
    Nico snickered. “I am familiar with your religion . Let me speed you along cazzo. According to Jewish tradition God gave the Torah to the Israelites after their journey through the desert not long after they fled slavery. Egyptian society was extremely obsessed with life after death that their holiest text was called, ‘The Book of the Dead,’ and the Torah doesn’t talk about the after-life in order to distinguish itself from the Egyptians, is that it in a nutshell bastardo?”
    “ Very good, your summation is excellent, although not the point I sought to make. The ancient rabbis discussed Gehenna, not Hell. They said bad people after they die are believed to go to Gehenna where they are punished for leading an immoral life. However, the time a person's soul spends in Gehenna is limited to a year and the rabbis maintain that even at the very gates of Gehenna a person can repent and avoid further suffering. After being punished in Gehenna a soul is considered pure enough to enter Gan Eden. Thus my visit with Vincenzo will be brief. Fortunately, my religion allows repentance, which I am then forgiven all of my wickedness. I emerge with a purified soul. Eternal damnation I will not suffer.” The smug twist of the lip irritated Nico. “Does your Christian Hell give Vincenzo such an option?”
    “ What is your business with Sophie?”
    “ What do adults do when they enjoy each other’s company, they fuck don’t they?”
    The callousness in which Yosef spoke elevated an anger that refused abatement. Nico dispensed with the chit-chat and struck the bastard in the face and then hoist him in the air like a Sumo wrestler to slam him against a wall.
    Yosef’s taunts were vile and the bastard needed to mind his tongue, Nico fumed as he tried to choke the life out of him.
    A sudden head-butt loosened Nico’s hand from around Yosef’s neck. The crafty fighter rained several jabs into Nico’s ribs and he coughed spit.
    Pissed the elder snuck in hits, Nico seized the thick neck and flipped Yosef of his shoulder but the sonovabitch grabbed Nico likewise and caused him to stumble loaded due to extra weight.
    Movement can unbalance an opponent and that’s what Nico did. He spun left and right rapidly, shoving Yosef against Sophie’s cabinets, shattering wood, and shaking walls in an attempt to break the vice.
    The brawl spilled to the dining room. Yosef’s arms remained locked tight. In a powerful spin and drop Nico smashed Yosef’s body backward on to the solid table. Yosef received the brunt of the impact, which is what Nico wanted. The crash of heavy men made a thunderous noise, and demolished Sophie’s beautiful centerpiece to fragments. The hold on Nico’s throat finally released.
    The table had broken in half and sliding to the floor were flowers, water and colorful porcelain. Nico rolled over Yosef , landing blows on his chest along the way.
    But whatever food their feeding in jail must harden inmate’s stomachs because Yosef’s abdomen remained rigid. For Nico’s troubles a kidney punch was the answer.
    Their grunts during the mayhem were muffled sounds of disciplined soldiers in battle. The combination shots were partially deflected by the elder who proved age isn’t synonymous with weakness. He weaved Nico’s punch and twisted around with an elbow jab to Nico’s spine.
    The pain sparked through nerve endings before Nico shut the sensory button in his mind to off. He spotted a sharp piece of the vase and reached for it. He went to thrust with the makeshift weapon, but Yosef kneed him in the nuts, the low-blow officially confirmed the senior man’s quickness, but Nico grinned as he flicked his wrist

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