After the Fall

After the Fall by Morgan O'Neill

Book: After the Fall by Morgan O'Neill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan O'Neill
on his side. Then we can send a request for another meeting. We might ask if he has a counter-proposal he is willing to put forth.”
    Alaric nodded. “What is the least land we can tolerate? Noricum and Dalmatia? Noricum alone?”
    Athaulf shrugged. “Noricum would do for now — ”
    The sound of drumming hoof beats broke through their conversation, and the small group reined in, alert.
    A Visigoth horseman cleared a rise in front of them at full gallop, and then wrenched his lathered horse to a halt. His eyes were wild and his leather breastplate slashed and bloody.
    “King Alaric, hurry! Queen Verica sent me — we’ve come under attack — Roman troops — they ambushed our people while you parleyed — slaughtering women and children! Hurry!”
    “Yah!” Magnus shouted and his horse, Agrippa, sprang forward with the others. Galloping toward camp, everyone was jostling for position, trying to find room along the narrow roadway. Three times Sergeric’s mount crashed into his, and Magnus had to fight to keep his horse from losing his footing. The fourth time, Sergeric’s horse leapt into his, hooves thrashing, as though it were trying to jump over Agrippa, forcing his stallion to stumble violently.
    The world spun as Magnus crashed to the ground and rolled, trying to avoid his mount’s flailing hooves. He scrambled to get up as the rest of his group galloped away.
    O, ye gods, Gigi! He had to reach her, to make certain she was safe, to protect her with his sword. Victoria, please, I beg you, keep her alive and unharmed!
    Magnus whistled for Agrippa, but the beast was nervous, shying away from him. He heard thundering from behind and quickly drew his sword. Five legionnaires were coming straight at him.
    Magnus dodged and swung at the first rider, their swords clashing, brutally jarring his arms. As they turned to face him again, Magnus tried to reach Agrippa, but the horse was too far away. The horsemen charged again and he swung his sword, clipping the nearest rider. A great howl of pain was heard as the man’s knee opened up. A blade flashed and Magnus ducked too late, feeling fire in his cheek, blood spraying. He swung once more, then spun, thrusting, opening a gash on the flank of the wounded rider’s horse, causing it to scream and rear, before carrying the man away.
    Magnus saw an opportunity and dashed for Agrippa, grabbing the reins and mounting in one bound. He charged the nearest rider, but the man got his shield raised in time and fended off the blow. Spinning Agrippa on his haunches, Magnus crashed into two of the horsemen, unseating one. He slashed first right, to ward off a strike, then left — another howl, and this time the rider fell back, his neck open and gushing blood. Magnus pivoted again, ready to attack, but the remaining three hesitated.
    Magnus seized the opportunity. “Victoria strengthens this arm!” he shouted. He charged the soldier on the ground directly, Agrippa trampling him, then brought his sword up, then down in a great arc, opening the shoulder and chest of the next rider.
    Sweat streaked Magnus’s face, blinding him. He swiped at his eyes and turned Agrippa toward the last man. He was young and very pale, holding his horse several paces away.
    “Will you die with your comrades this day, boy,” Magnus asked, “for the sake of your misbegotten emperor? Think on it — he sends you to ambush a solitary statesman, and your friends to murder women and children who have ever been Rome’s allies. Is that why you joined the legion?”
    The boy-soldier licked his lips, his eyes wide with fright, then he kicked his horse and galloped away.
    Magnus! In his mind, he heard Gigi’s voice as if from a great distance. Horror gripped his gut, and he raced away, frantic to reach his wife.
    • • •
    “Alert!” “Alert!”
    Startled, Gigi looked up from tending the fire, hearing shouts and thundering hooves. She saw flames erupt near the far edge of camp and heard screams.

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