Alan Price and the Statue of Zeus (The Nephilim Chronicles Book 3)

Alan Price and the Statue of Zeus (The Nephilim Chronicles Book 3) by Jonathan Yanez

Book: Alan Price and the Statue of Zeus (The Nephilim Chronicles Book 3) by Jonathan Yanez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jonathan Yanez
free from her hair. On top of the sand and sweat that covered Kassidy’s body, she looked worse than ever. Her wrist bandages were already gone thanks to a combination of her accelerated healing and Danielle’s gift of restorative powers, however the drugs were still working their way out of her system. Kassidy’s complexion was pasty white and glaring against the sun’s rays. “What’s her problem?”
    Alan handed Kassidy the canteen, “She’s not that bad when you get to know her. She’s just training you the best way she can. Trust me, you’ll thank her for it later when you need those skills in a fight.”
    Kassidy took a long drought of the canteen, then another and another, until it was empty. She handed the bottle back to Alan. “Do I look as miserable as I feel? I don’t know why I’m not sicker or going crazy from the withdrawals.”
    Alan cocked his head to the side, “Well, that’s because you’re not like everyone else, you’re a Horseman. As far as whether you look like how you feel … I don’t know. Do you feel like death?”
    “Then yes.”
    “Thanks for that. My head fills like it’s splitting in half.” Kassidy looked at Alan with large eyes. “A nap wouldn’t be part of you training me, would it?”
    “Sorry, kid, I can’t swing that but maybe I can arrange some shade.” Alan led Kassidy over to an empty tent constructed to hold weapons for the angels stationed at the beach. Alan motioned Kassidy to take a seat on a barrel in the middle of the rows of swords, spears, bows and shields.
    “Wrists look better,’ Alan said situating himself on the edge of a table holding arrows.
    Kassidy twisted her arms with both wrists face up. Alan was right. Instead of two long gashes ripping through her skin, two pink lines showed where scars would soon take over. “If only my body would deal with the lack of drugs the same way. This sucks.”
    “I can only imagine,” Alan said. “Think about it this way. How bad would things be if you weren’t a Horseman with an accelerated metabolism? Give it another day or two I’m sure the withdrawals will be gone by then.”
    “Yeah, but that only fixes part of the problem.”
    “How so?”
    “Well, unless you’re not telling me something, it’s not like I’m all of a sudden going to stop craving the drugs. I’m a junkie, Alan. I’m just going to put that on the table.”
    “I appreciate your honesty.”
    Kassidy shrugged. “Are you sure there hasn’t been a mistake? There’s not some holier human out there that was chosen for this?”
    “Nope, trust me. I’ve spent my fair share of time thinking about that. We were chosen for a reason. If we can’t see why yet, we will one day.”
    Kassidy rolled her shoulders and winced with the discomfort. “So, what’s next? Are you going to ‘teach’ me how to fly?”
    “Not yet, but I do want to see if we can channel the power that makes you a Horseman.”
    “And how do we do that?”
    Alan recalled the very first time his powers manifested. It was during a situation when he was helpless, when he was about to be killed under Ardat’s sword and he needed to survive. Alan shuddered at the memory. He wouldn’t allow Kassidy to have to go through the same thing. Whatever it took, Alan would make sure she had an easier transition in awakening her abilities. “We’ll have to simulate a time when you needed help.”
    Alan paused and regrouped before answering. “My powers came to me when I was in trouble. I don’t know if yours will work the same way but I need you to think back to a time when you were desperate for help. I know it may be painful but that’s where we have to start.”
    “Well, that won’t take long,” Kassidy said with a sardonic smile. “My life hasn’t exactly been balls and butterflies.”
    “Close you eyes,” Alan instructed. He waited until Kassidy obeyed. “Pick your moment. I know it will be painful but relive that experience in every

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