Alicia Jones 3: New Frontier
miserable as I flew the sports shuttle up to our ship.  Of course, being
her best friend I was very understanding.
    “What a beautiful morning,” I said cheerfully.
    She glared at me, “Damn aliens.”
    I tried for innocent hurt, but completely failed as I
    She snorted, and then held her hand to her head as if it
    When we entered the hangar, I saw an extra shuttle there,
and wondered what was going on.  I didn’t have long to wait once we got
    One of the marines said, “Miss Avdonin is in your office
    I sighed and nodded, suddenly not feeling the beauty of the
morning.  I knew I’d done a lot for Earth, and was by most a hero even if
that made me a little uncomfortable.  But I also knew politics was a bitch
sometimes.  This couldn’t possibly be good news.
    Kristi even looked concerned past her misery.
    When we got into my office, Nadia looked over with a smile that
didn’t reach her eyes.  She also didn’t look like she’d slept in days
which made me feel a little guilty.
    Nadia said, “We need to talk off the record.”
    I nodded as the butterflies in my stomach all took off.
    “Al, discontinue recording in my office for the duration of
Nadia’s visit please.”
    Nadia frowned, “It’s a mess.  A compromise was reached
last night, wheeling and dealing, politics,” she spat out the last word in
    “Okay, what’s the damage?”
    Nadia sighed, “The Americans made an offer.  They offered
to foot the bill for all the upgrades you submitted, and pay for the lion’s
share of the remaining fleet, if the other six groups in the USFS would allow
them to colonize the new planet as an American territory, with the assurances
they wouldn’t seek another until the other six got a colony of their own.”
    “I see, and the others went for this?”
    Nadia shook her head, “Yes and no.  The other leaders
decided to wring more concessions for it, because of its value.  Most of
those don’t have anything to do with you, however, Russia made a demand that
directly affects you, and I wanted to tell you personally, before the orders
come in, which should be in about an hour.”
    I had a really bad feeling, and Nadia confirmed my fears
with her next words.
    Nadia said, “They demanded that their admiral, Sergei
Abramov become admiral of the fleet for the USFS.  So, we are cutting your
contract short,” she looked slightly ashamed, but I didn’t blame her.
    I frowned, “I see, is there anything else?”
    She nodded, “There was, at first it was planned to take this
ship, with payment of course, since you’ll be a civilian again and shouldn’t be
in command of a ship with weapons.  However, that was shot down.
    “It seemed very ungrateful for all you’ve done.  You
have a special status for putting us in space, and protecting us once we got
there, that no other citizen will be allowed.”
    I frowned, “That is appreciated, but seems… rather nice.”
    Nadia barked a laugh, “Yes, there are other reasons,
although I would have been fine with just the one.  I really do hope we
can still be friends after today.”
    I could feel her sincerity, but couldn’t do more than
nod.  I didn’t have many friends really.  Kristi was my best and
closest friend, and the others could be counted on one hand, and two of those
weren’t from Earth.  Point was, I couldn’t afford to throw them out.
    She continued, “The other reasons are just as valid but more
selfish.  You have consistently come up with better, stronger, and faster
technology.  Letting you as they say in America, keep your toys, and play
making new ones, seems to be the course of wisdom for the planet.  The
last reason stemmed from fear as well as being selfish.  They felt you
would think it a slap in the face, and simply take your toys and go somewhere
else, or worse, sell them to the other races in the treaty.
    “You will of course be removed from the command

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