Alicia Jones 4: Enigma

Alicia Jones 4: Enigma by D. L. Harrison

Book: Alicia Jones 4: Enigma by D. L. Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. L. Harrison
Anthony so I have to admit I was disappointed, but I didn’t show it
    We took some seats around the large table, and I looked
around.  There were many races I hadn’t seen before.  All familiar
yet slightly alien in appearance.  Over the next ten minutes a few more
pairs showed up, and then the murmuring conversations died down as Dral
stood.  He was imposing over video communications, and in person he had a
very undeniable and strong presence.  Maybe there wouldn’t be much argument
after all.
    Dral spoke, “There are many great warriors in this room so
take no offense at my words.  As host I will lay out the basic plan, and
then we may discuss alterations or additions.”
    He paused for a moment, as if waiting to see if there were any
objections.  No one else in the room spoke.
    Dral grunted, “Very well, six of my ships will move ten
light years ahead of the fleet to scan for any anti-FTL technology.  We
don’t know their defenses, and we certainly don’t want to run into anything like
they did when they last attacked this world.  It will take us a little
over two days to reach our target world.  When we arrive on the outskirts
of their solar system we will split up into three large forces, and
independently maneuver to strike a separate bug hive from the outskirts.
    “When we are in a position to do so, we will launch a single
strike wave of missiles in concert, and await the results.  Although
destruction of the hives would be ideal, I don’t believe that will
happen.  Our goal is to draw attacks from each hive, and then move away
from the solar system keeping our distance from the enemy.  Once they chase us,
we’ll send volleys of missiles at our pursuers while keeping them out of plasma
    “If they fail to chase us, or when we annihilate what does
chase us, we will reevaluate the mission at that juncture.  Suggestions?”
    It was surprisingly quiet in the room, although I had to
admit it was a good plan.  To be honest, I was pleased about it, I’d been
expecting a plan far more… precipitous.
    Dral nodded, “Good, here are my words for fleet deployment.”
    A hologram came up of the system, and the planet’s position
along with where the hives were.  He suggested splitting his fleet in
thirds, and then assigned the other races evenly among them.  Of course,
at that point I did have a suggestion despite what I’d said on the bridge of my
ship earlier.  It was apparent from this plan, that the platforms might
not even see battle at all.
    “Dral, I suggest splitting my platforms between the fleets,
twelve hundred each.  First, because they don’t have attack missile
capability.  Second, because they do have anti-FTL missiles in case the
enemy decides to do a short hop in FTL to close the distance to plasma
range.  Third, because the platform’s plasma cannons have a greater range
than the enemies if they manage to go faster than us in normal space.”
    Dral said gravely, “Your words are wise.  Anyone else?”
    When no one spoke Dral continued.
    “Very well.  I do not have words to properly thank you
all for your honor and courage in joining this fight.  This is only the
first step of bringing the war to this scourge of the galaxy, and I am proud to
fight and risk death with you all.  Good fortune.  We leave in one
    Kristi asked on our way up to the ship, “Why aren’t we using
the wormhole drives?”
    I shrugged, “We don’t know anything about their defenses, or
if they have their own stealth net.  If we opened say… fifty wormholes
near their space, it’s possible they would respond before we all got
through.  Plus, it would take time to reassemble the fleet, with the
margin of error in targeting a wormhole we’d be all over the place.  I
think he’s just being cautious.  Coming in this way, we can see how they
react, and just how soon they see us and from what distance.”
    Kristi said in a quieter voice, “I have a bad feeling

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