All Because of You (Lakeview #2)

All Because of You (Lakeview #2) by Melissa Hill

Book: All Because of You (Lakeview #2) by Melissa Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Hill
didn’t seem to notice. Steve was like that sometimes, Natalie thought wryly, the little barbs and remarks that could be so effective at work making no impression whatsoever on her easy-going boyfriend.
    Then she sighed inwardly. She hated feeling like this, feeling so out of control, so much so that she’d reduced herself to behaving like some clingy desperate wannabe.  She was thirty-two years old for goodness sake! Sophisticated thirty-somethings did not sit around sulking and pouting like teenagers when things didn’t go their way.  No, sophisticated thirty-somethings were mature and adult and dignified enough to actually do something about those things. So there would be no more pouting and sulking about this, Natalie decided then – instead she’d have to think of a plan of action, something to help put this situation back on track.  Feeling better now that she’d reasserted some control, Natalie began to think more clearly. Typically, when she encountered a sticky situation – usually at work – she wasn’t the type of person to sit in a corner feeling sorry for herself like she’d done just now; usually she went right ahead and tried to find a solution. But Steve wasn’t work, was he? And Natalie couldn’t just dream up a fast-fix solution to this particular problem – could she?
    Over the last few weeks she’d interpreted the situation very badly by convincing herself that Steve was working up to a proposal. Her usually dependable intuition seemed to have deserted her this time, and she didn’t like it. Then again, for some reason her intuition always made a run for it when it came to men. 
    Although she knew Steve loved her (the sex was amazing after all and he said himself he couldn’t get enough of her), the idea of marriage obviously hadn’t yet entered his stupid little head. And this was a problem, because she knew without question that she wanted to marry him and had no intention of sitting around waiting for him realise it.  
    Natalie’s gaze drifted idly towards the TV programme Steve was watching, some holiday programme or something. 
    Steve yawned. “I could definitely do with something like that soon,” he said, nodding at the screen. “The negotiations for this new deal are taking forever.”
    And just like that it hit her. A holiday!   Perfect!
    Natalie thoughts began to race a mile a minute. She and Steve hadn’t really been spending enough time together lately – a week away at some fabulous sunny destination would surely convince him once and for all that she was the one for him. She sighed blissfully. Imagine a week relaxing in the sun at some fabulous hotel, doing nothing but eating and drinking and … well.  Natalie grinned to herself as she stared at the TV. By the time she was finished with him, Steve wouldn’t be able to remember what life had been like without her!
    The following morning, Natalie arrived at the offices of Blue Moon, tired and still deflated that last night hadn’t gone exactly as planned. 
    As she went upstairs in the lift, she glanced critically at her reflection in the elevator mirror. It was no surprise really that Steve wasn’t interested in taking their relationship to another level. She looked like absolute shit. Her wardrobe needed serious updating, and she could definitely do with losing a few more pounds. But at least the lipo-dissolve sessions she was getting would sort that out. Still, she made a mental note there and then to book herself a fresh appointment with the image consultant she used now and again. In this business, appearance counted for a hell of a lot and, apart from Steve, she was lucky that she hadn’t frightened off the young footballer and his father yesterday! 
    Yes, a session with Janet from the Image Agency followed by a good dose of retail therapy at Selfridges would soon set her on the right track. And if she wanted to get to work on Steve properly during their romantic break in the sun, she’d

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